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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Ima make the irrigation icon a little darker. It too bright in the UI.
  2. I forgot one more critique, stan. I am not sure, but I think a lot of the seams may not be welded. There is a lot of aliasing happening wih your building when I zoom in and out or pan camera. (More aliasing on the seams than the other Roman building).
  3. Some of these are good. Irrigation one though, can you make go all the way over left and right and up? Not every tech has to have the black background and glow -- keep that in mind. If it make sense to fill the whole square, then that is fine.
  4. Okay, I will list some thing, if someone else wantt to crack at it: 1. The doors on bottom floor should be roughly scale to infantry units. Most doors on the bottom floor seem to be scaled too small on your Insulae. In other structures the doors seem to be scaled roughly to the infantry dudes. 2. The insulae are too tall. They are almost taller than the Civic Center. I think the height scale of the Market is good, or maybe a little taller, but right now they dwarf the market. Also, emulating some of the market's details would bring unity to whole set. 3. I like how you try to do the brick arches and other Roman architectural detail to the model, but you are doing it with texture that don't have those details. You were creative with your UV mapping and I applaud you, but it doesn't seem to work. Perhaps a separate new texture for those details (like how the Hellenes got some new separate textures for cool details way back in the days). 4. Try to eliminate the copy and past look to the wall texturing/mapping. 5. Could use a lot more prop, like jars, etc. Maybe clothes lines hanging inside the courtyard. 6. I changed my mind and wanted these to be square footprint. It would allow the middle courtyard on all 3 variations. These courtyard were nearly ubiquitous. I mentioned the new square footprint in earlier post, but I think you missed it. 7. This is the Colosseum: It's a good attempt, but I think it just needs it's own custom texture. 8. Lastly, some low angle views on the buildings show some missing geometry. I think it's worth a few extra triangle to prevent weird thing from happening during cinematics (missing inside walls) and bad effects in water reflections (like missing ceilings, etc.).
  5. Hi Stanislav. I have put them into the game. Do you mind some crtitic or suggestion?
  6. 3 thing: I would like for the corral feature to be implement already. Sheesh. I had it working in my mod at one time and changes have ruin it maybe a year ago (?), but it work just as describe (sheep show up in corral and they give trickle food). There was only 1 problem that the entities still wandered (while the actor stayed in the corral, ,lol), but that could have been fixed by just not making sheep and goats wander (chicken should still wander but they don't count). I never figured out how to stop sheeps from wandering. Some kind of unitAI setting maybe. But the sheep garrisoning in corral feature should work very well and just fine with just some minor code to the UnitAI.js to allow animal garrisoning (and then disable wandering). Trickle is accomplish with a garrison aura. Second, sheep (and goat and cattle and whatever) capturing should be implemented. MAKE IT JUST LIKE AOE, OMG. Very simple in concept, don't overthink it.Just do it exactly like AOE. I know the code could be tricky, but the concepy it simple and straightforward as gameplay. Third, fattening I think can be like AOE (happen over time regardless), or do like AOE3 and task them to gather around corral - they fatten - they move away from corral to show player they are done.
  7. The "grass hill"thing did not blend well with different maps. I like this one I make because it can blend with any map.
  8. Hi, I make Uffington White Horse the wonder. I move Stonehenge to brit_stonehenge.
  9. Hey Lion, can you post your technolohy ideas here you think would fit the mod? I remember you had some decent idea.
  10. The problem is that particle is not affect by lighting parameter. Thats why the original dust storm did not look good (Red Sea map uses unusual light settings). How hard to make particles affected by lighting settings?
  11. Oh, looks too much like barracks to me. Maybe look more civic in nature instead?
  12. I was think in-game browser, but your idea can be easy stand-in until (maybe) browser added.
  13. Mod Selection screen can have "browse online mods" button that load a list of approved mods compatible with release orr something like this.
  14. I agree. Is strange and good at same time.
  15. ERROR: Error in timer on entity 2396, IID 91, function UpgradeProgress: ReferenceError: cmpGarrison is not defined TransferGarrisonedUnits@simulation/helpers/Transform.js:194:25 ChangeEntityTemplate@simulation/helpers/Transform.js:81:2 Upgrade.prototype.UpgradeProgress@simulation/components/Upgrade.js:300:6 Timer.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/components/Timer.js:100:4 Happened when using new upgrade feature to go from wooden tower to stone tower. Do you need anything else?
  16. I do not say it is easy, but it is not so hard, it just take a team member dedicated to this kind of thing to put some time into it, but as we all know time is short on supply in volunteer projects. Honestly, it is reason I almost always play skirmish map because this kind of thing is easier to handle in the map editor. It's not just about the looks either, it is about the gameplay. A balanced map can be easy create in the Atlas editor and still look nice too, where as you say with random map script it is not easy. That is why I ask for randomized possibilities in Atlas. Maybe we can brainstorm, but some thing come to mind is mine placement and starting point placement.
  17. Hi guys. So, I try the new Red Sea map and it is very very nice. I like the big forests and I like the terrain design (maybe add the blowing sand actors in the desert sections and use the sand dune terrain texture). It is a very good map. But once again, it have placement of starting resource right next to Civic Center and I think this is something that should change for almost all map. I think it maybe okay that some berry bushes be near the Civic Center, but stone and metal should be away from the Civic Center, not right in front of it. You should want the player to place a storehouse or granary IMHO. Have to look around for the stuff instead of it being right there.
  18. Use same boss as existing imp rome shields for visual consistency imho
  19. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/18506 fixed the problem
  20. Sorry issue is resolve when last time attack.js updated a fww days agi. Sorry I cannit check since I am on cellphone (irony) and Trac is not mobile friendly. I believe problem was forbidden attack classes?
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