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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I think I could come up with a pretty good "Republican Centurion" actor with the available assets if the rest of the team signs off on such a feature.
  2. As long as it's on a per battalion basis, then yeah. Managing the morale of 300 individual soldiers sounds like a nightmare.
  3. Scythians version 1.1 Units Support Units Scythian Peasant Male and Female variations References Resource Wagon Dropsite for all Raw Resources Can "unpack" into these buildings Yurt (+10 to pop cap) Storehouse Can train Slaves once the Trade Depot is built Enaree Shaman Healer/Priest Class unit They wear shaggy clothing, drooping robes, tassels, and animal skins. They have eagle feather or deer antler head gear and carry a stretched leather drum. References Barracks Units Scythian Spearman Spear Infantry Saka Axeman Sword Infantry Scythian Archer (male and female actor variations) Archer Infantry Maiden Archer Female Archer Infantry Less armor, faster speed Only costs Glory resource References Stables Units Scythian Scout Scout Cavalry Sarmatian Lancer Spear Cavalry Massagetae Sagaris Cavalry Sword (Ax) Cavalry Dahae Cavalry Archer Archer Cavalry Royal Maiden Headhunter Female Archer Cavalry Less Armor, faster speed Only costs the Glory resource References Mercenary Camp Units Bosporan Hoplite Hoplite Thracian Peltast Javelin Infantry Tocharian Swordsman Fortress Units Alani Cataphract Champion Lancer Cavalry Extra Armor, slower speed Can upgrade to a strong anti-building attack (flames) References Royal Cavalry Archer Champion Archer Cavalry Extra Armor, slower speed References Battering Ram An uncovered Ram Lower armor, faster speed Heroes A civ bonus for Scythians is that their Heroes are allowed to upgrade to Mounted from Village Phase, while all other heroes in the game have to wait for City Phase. Tahm-Rayiš (Tomyris) Hero Cavalry Queen of the Massagetae, a powerful Eastern Scythian confederacy. Her army defeated Cyrus the Great and checked his expansionist ambitions. Her look is very Eastern or central Asian, in contrast to the more Western look of the other heroes. References Ateas (Ateas) Hero Cavalry United dozens of Western Scythian tribes to form a kind of "Scythian Empire" over his lifetime. Fought against and was killed by Philip II of Macedon. References Skilurus (Skilurus) Hero Chariot King of the Crimean Scythians, whose capital was the Greco-Scythian city of Scythian Neapolis. Warred against Mithridates of Pontus. He has a mix of Greek and Scythian equipment. References Scythian Structures Scythian structures, like the Huns and Xiongnu, can be built anywhere on the map, in neutral, allied, or enemy territory. This is their "nomad" bonus. They also have half the build time and cost. Consequently, they are the weakest buildings in the game, at 50% health of standard. Their buildings are very fragile. These bonuses and weaknesses also apply to their Fortress. Cult Statue: Ovoo This is the "Cult Statue" building for the Scythians (and Xiongnu). Not only does it give a trickle of Glory like all Cult Statues, but also a trickle of free Stone resource. As an additional bonus, Enaree Shaman healers gain greater healing powers when in range of this structure. Wonder: Royal Kurgan tumulus. A large earthen mount with eye candy around it (see how the mound is surrounded by standing stones; we can add additional culture by using the enigmatic Scythian "statues" found throughout the steppe instead of simple stones). Can have various "stages" of construction like the other Scythian and Xiongnu buildings do: Technologies "Fill of Blood" Prereq: Choosing Tomyris Tomyris +25% attack when mounted on her war horse, +50% attack vs. Enemy Heroes. Social Reforms Prereq: Choosing Ateas Scythian Peasants +50% health; Scythian Slaves +100% Loyalty. Greek Engineering Prereq: Choosing Skilurus Unlock the ability for Scythian citizen-soldiers to construct Catapults. Goldsmithing Prereq: City Phase Research at: Forge (the only economically-focused Forge tech in the game) Traders +40% trade profit per trip. Archery Tradition Prereq: Village Phase Research Building: Barracks Ranged Cavalry will automatically kite away from approaching targets if the enemy targets get within 15 meters. Parthian Tactics Prereq: Town Phase, Archery Tradition, Advanced Cavalry Research Building: Cavalry Stable Ranged Cavalry will automatically kite away from approaching targets if the enemy targets get within 15 meters. Falconry Prereq: Village Phase (also requires Husbandry) Research Building: Civic Center All Structures and Cavalry +25% vision range. Scouts +25% meat gathering rate. Scouts gain a new Falcon prop actor that circles over them. Extensive Husbandry Prereq: Town Phase (also requires Husbandry) Research Building: Cavalry Stable Domestic Animals -25% train time, +25% health. Slave Trade Prereq: Town Phase Research Building: Market Slaves -50% train time. Other civs have to first capture a Trading Post before being able to research this tech. Scythians can research it from their Market. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need to find a Scythians expert to help parse all of the reference material. I don't think it has to be super granular, but I would like to separate everything into some categories: Western Scythians Cavalry Infantry Potential Hero References (Ateas and Skilurus) Eastern Scythians Cavalry Infantry Potential Hero References (Tomyris) Support Units Healers Peasants Males Females Traders Fishing Boat (necessary for gameplay) Trading Ship (necessary for gameplay) Structures Specific Buildings Materials Need to try to find era-specific reference materials: 6th-4th centuries BC.
  4. I believe this is correct. Look in the replay file for the random seed number, and then you can use that number to generate the exact same map in Atlas (as long as you use the exact same settings).
  5. Better as a separate discussion. Best to focus on simply making the Han commit-worthy.
  6. I could see a Trojan Horse being a hidden item in the game or a possible Wonder of the World for a capture the wonder mode.
  7. Might be alright to put a carriage underneath with wheels (like in Braveheart).
  8. OBS acts very inconsistently with pyrogenesis.exe, in my experience. FRAPS is generally garbage.
  9. Xiongnu Chieftain https://www.artstation.com/artwork/k4YzAy
  10. Mercenaries: https://www.artstation.com/jfoliveras/albums/2232680 Yue warrior Dian Warrior ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Champion/Hero shield pattern? https://www.artstation.com/artwork/AqQXd5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Xiongnu Chieftain https://www.artstation.com/artwork/k4YzAy
  11. Not bad, but Kushite pyramids are clustered in reality, usually in what we call a "Necropolis", aka "City of the Dead." Something to think about.
  12. I think you full well know that the Soviet Union was not what Marx had in mind.
  13. It's very simple. Sea level rise will be slow. Those who buy coastal property now think they'll be dead before the reckoning. The rich will also feel the least impact from climate upheaval, so they will play their reindeer games until the end. Human beings are quite myopic. It's the poor who will suffer the most, as is tradition.
  14. If we don't find a way, then the climate will give us a solution we won't like. Any realist knows we can't fully get rid of oil for many decades. But have you ever heard of a nurse crop? It may be, as you indicated, that we will need oil for the foreseeable future in order to continue to develop these next gen technologies and energy sources.
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