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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. Well here i am again xd Friday Night Funkin' AC Origins AC Liberation Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy GTA IV and V Halo Lamba Wars Age 2 DE Age 3 DE AOM
  2. Yo esa imagen la hice xd. tal ves encontremos alguna
  3. the scout cout be a messenger: God speed but not attack
  4. I hope they make a balance with US, this very op
  5. (1) Aztec Empire en Twitter: "Our friend @lizzie_wade delivers another great article. This one is about a theory that Tikal and Teotihuacan had an embassy in each other's cities. https://t.co/6guwhW63DL" / Twitter
  6. My twitter: @Trinketoss I don't have a moddb page.
  7. I modified this one from the zapotecs.
  8. Te tendría que dar permisos para poder hacer commits a el mod. lo del agua ModdingResources – Wildfire Games
  9. Otro poblano en el foro(eso es bueno) :v ¿Tu eres el que me mando un correo?
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