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Everything posted by RoekeloosNL

  1. Would also be nice too have different farm types.
  2. More farm type,s for div civs would also be nice someday. like a olive-farm for the romans or fruit plantations
  3. Yes the never where send in to battle with the legions. But for props its nice i think. would be sweet if rome gets something like a colosseum for eyecandy hehe!
  4. Nice Pony's keep up the good work guys.
  5. ^Yes that makes the game mutch better. hope someday those settings are standard options
  6. Whats your download speed then. when i download new versions it takes maybe 5min there are games/mods that release patches mutch bigger so i dont see the problem or you must have really slow internet.
  7. Please not there can be mutch better sounds added
  8. Any plans for dust effects when artillery rocks hit walls.
  9. I dont know if its a bug but i try too build the tempel and the process stayed at 1% of 5000 with alot of workers on it. for over 5 min then i needed too quite so could not see if they build it will test is later more
  10. Only the roof looks too flat maybe less straight lines and some wooden beams too give it a more natural look. and the same for the other barbarian buildings. https://www.google.nl/search?q=oude+rieten+daken+foto&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=z8TGUv7dEeuX0AX7_4CIAQ&ved=0CDYQsAQ&biw=1536&bih=696
  11. Yep love too see more game modes. and someday singleplayer.
  12. And what about only let 1 unit out till all units are ejected so it takes some time too use your force.and if you wait to long your units wont all get out before tower is destroyed.
  13. Huge bug? if there is no animation for yet then its not a bug
  14. Guys, the SVN version those that always auto-update when there is a new version or do you need to update it manually?.
  15. Nice Merry X-Mass to all. and thanxs for this release next year you im going to give blender a shot and test my skill hope i someday can help you guys. Just played a match and i must say the only thing i miss are Archery_Range and Siege_Workshops
  16. It is not that hard and if you want you can always look at youtube for how you can built your own system. but if you dont want too do it you better can go to more then 1 shop and ask for info and what the prices are and from that you take a decision
  17. Ok guys i must say i keep checking the site if Alpha 15 is out and i see still no news. when can we expect a release?
  18. Maybe the Egytians Romans and Greeks atleast the more advanced nations. Oh and one more thing what would be nice too see for eye candy is when ships move to see the water move like foam if that is possible.
  19. Is there any chance that we someday see a Archery-Range and Siege-Workshop for some factions. I think that is something that sould be in any type of Ancient RTS. And i think farm field sould not be build but they sould get a seed throwing animation
  20. I hope we have a release before x-mass
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