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Everything posted by Andrettin

  1. Here you can find a digitized dictionary of Old Icelandic, which should serve well for your purposes: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/texts/oi_zoega_about.html I managed to find the words in Old Icelandic for "farmer" and "warrior". They are: "farmer" = "bóndi" (see p. 65: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0065.png) "warrior" = "her-maðr" (see p. 196: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0196.png) "warrior" = "kumbla-smiðr" (literally this means wound-maker, and was a more poetic form of how to refer to a warrior; see p. 251: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0251.png) I couldn't find "chieftain" specifically, but I could find these: "a local chief or lord" = "hersir" (see p. 196: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0196.png) "chief" or "leader" = "odd-viti" (see p. 318: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0318.png) "warrior-king" = "her-konungr"(see p. 196: http://lexicon.ff.cuni.cz/png/oi_zoega/b0196.png)
  2. Open Air Reconstructed Germanic Settlement in Austria (Freilichtmuseum Elsarn): http://www.freilichtmuseum-elsarn.at/cms/website.php?id=/de/index.htm To make it easier to non-German speakers, here is the link to their photo gallery of reconstructed Germanic buildings: http://www.freilichtmuseum-elsarn.at/cms/website.php?id=fotogalerie/galerien/gebaude.php
  3. My friends, I found the following collection, published in 1894 and now available digitized online: http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgkeysearchresult.cfm?s=3&sType=Rel&r=14f14570&rCol=The%2520Picture%2520Collection%2520of%2520the%2520New%2520York%2520P...&rDiv=Picture%2520Collection&rOper=2 It contains a plethora of drawings of people of various eras and cultures, detailing what they wore; there are also many drawings of objects used by various peoples. Although many of the drawings fall out of 0 A.D.'s period, many others do not, such as this one, which details the evolution of clothing wore by Italians from 1 to 700 AD: http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgkeysearchdetail.cfm?trg=1&strucID=717596&imageID=810222&total=186&num=0&r=14f14570&word=&rOper=2&stype=Rel&rSource=&rDiv=Picture%20Collection&rCol=The%2520Picture%2520Collection%2520of%2520the%2520New%2520York%2520P...&s=3&notword=&d=&c=&f=&k=1&imgs=20&pos=13&e=w I also suggest taking a look at this other (smaller) selection, which includes some drawings of Gauls: http://digitalgallery.nypl.org/nypldigital/dgkeysearchresult.cfm?parent_id=585384 Hopefully this can be of use as a reference for developing graphics for the game
  4. I, for one, don't think even triggers are strictly necessary to have campaigns, as long as different victory conditions can be set. All that is needed to make interesting campaigns is a briefing screen with interesting information (particularly the historical setup) about the scenario, along with the objectives.
  5. I think a mint could function for gold like the lumber mill did for lumber in Warcraft II: the mint would be a gold drop off point, and having it also increases the amount of gold obtained per gold gathered (so for instance, every 100 gold gathered would yield 125 gold to the player if they have a mint), simulating greater efficiency in processing the gold.
  6. Regarding the mercenary camp, the idea would be for its architectural style to be "independent" or similar to that of a particular civilization native to each biome?
  7. These looks very nice. Are they inspired from West Germanic architecture or Gothic/Vandalic?
  8. I think that this is a great idea, as it would A) Serve a solid gameplay purpose, Add flavor to the game and C) Allow the inclusion of units from interesting civilizations without having to actually go to the efforts of creating assets for an entire civilization.
  9. "Ptolemy" sounds like a rather good choice to me.
  10. Thanks, I found it through that method! Apparently, it is from a Bronze Age Total War mod: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?371693-Bronze-Age-Total-War-%28Preview-amp-download%29
  11. Quite interesting. Where is that from?
  12. If I remember right, there would be preset trade routes in the map (that would begin and end in its edges), and you could build trading posts in certain spots along the trade route, gaining benefits from that (gold/coin I think).
  13. Hello, I am currently working on an open-source RTS using the Stratagus engine, and I would like to use some of the 0 A.D. sounds in the game. However, almost all of the content (artwork, etc.) I'm using is licensed under the GPLv2, and for practical reasons I would prefer to keep it all under the same license, it would be very useful if certain 0 A.D. sounds were also licensed under the GPLv2 (the civic center, barracks, farmstead and metal resource select sounds, as well as the "alarm" one, the wood harvesting ones and the click sound). Would it be possible for the 0 A.D. sounds to be licensed under the GPLv2, or failing that, at least these specific sounds? Kind regards, Andrettin
  14. I think a whole faction based on this would indeed be too much (at most a scenario featuring the Romans or something of the sort would be factible). Even the historical Mesoamerican civilizations would be difficult to justify including, considering they are out of the game's geographical range, specially since the devs have so far ruled out even including far eastern civilizations.
  15. I'm from Latin America as well Anyway, it could have been just a stranded Roman ship, or a ship of other nationality which bore Roman goods. Or, like it was said in one of the links, it could have been something which was brought later on and ended up in a Mesoamerican burial site.
  16. Wow, cool stuff: http://www.econ.ohio-state.edu/jhm/arch/calix.htm http://www.webcitation.org/65PlUfqJr I hadn't heard of this before. It could be false (as the second link discusses), but it is nevertheless interesting. The first Latin Americans
  17. Well, technically, the Romans are pre-Columbian anyway
  18. Thanks! You raise an important issue, but that could possibly be solved by affecting not only where the building is actually built, but also a certain radius around it. This way, a city wouldn't end up filled with trees. It would be important to think how making trees be able to regrow would affect resource scarcity, though, so that gameplay is not hurt.
  19. Regarding tree regrowth, perhaps it would be more practical if there were only regrowth of previously existing trees (rather than dynamic growth), as long as nothing has been built over that space.
  20. There weren't any "Slovakians" in the area then - it's just the same geographical area as modern Slovakia, but the tribes there were Germanic.
  21. I think that a "Mesopotamic" civilization would be too generic, and that it would be better to (eventually) have Babylonians, Assyrians and so on instead.
  22. But then what is the point? I thought the purpose of this thread was making suggestions on how a Germanic faction should be implemented in the game.
  23. You are correct in that language isn't everything - two peoples can speak the same language and still have significantly different cultures. Nevertheless, the fact remains that language is very relevant for culture, while genetics is not relevant at all.
  24. Culture is not transmitted by genetics - but by spoken or written language.
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