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Everything posted by Andrettin

  1. Hello there, I have recently commissioned from Manuel Senfft Proto-Germanic voices for my RTS game, Wyrmsun. Manuel Senfft has agreed that the voices be released under the CC0 license, and as such they could be used by 0 AD, if you deem them useful for the project. I know that Germanic factions is something only planned for a later expansion to 0 AD, but it doesn't hurt to make you aware of content that may be useful for that expansion. The Proto-Germanic words were based on the information provided by this Proto-Germanic dictionary.
  2. I'm happy that it can be useful, even if only eventually That's the beauty of open-source after all, what is made for one open-source project can be used by another, so that efforts don't need to be duplicated.
  3. Hello there, I recently commissioned German voices from Manuel Senfft for Wyrmsun, and since they are licensed under the CC0, I thought they could be of use to your project: http://opengameart.org/content/german-voices-0
  4. I think technology pairs are a great idea, but not with the technologies it had been implemented with. I think it would work much better for upgrades representing state policy, such as Serfdom<->Free Workers, or even a technology trio of Monarchy<->Aristocracy<->Democracy. I don't think recombining the civs in the way he had mentioned would make any distinction be lost, since the subfactions wouldn't be removed, they would just be accessible through an in-game choice rather than being chosen before the match starts.
  5. I think that's a great idea. I did something similar for Wyrmsun, with Germanics -> Teutons (West Germanic)/Goths/Norse. I think it would work very well for the Celts and Greeks branching into their subfactions, and would be a more interesting mechanic than having many visually similar civilizations available to choose from.
  6. Couldn't it be workable for you to commission models/textures with that money, though? You wouldn't need to hire them since it would be freelance work.
  7. I think that it would probably add too much micromanagement.
  8. AoE was not really eurocentric. If anything, it was Mediterranean-centric - there were no Celts or Germanics, but we had Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Babylonians, etc.
  9. Does the Saxon civilization also encompass northern Germans who spoke Saxon dialects? For instance, with the Teutonic Order's expansion to the Baltic, it was mainly Saxon culture that they brought with them.
  10. Edit: The latter one is probably correct, because it also describes Roman camps and Saxon longhouses. However it refers to the Bronze age one (image above) as Germanic. Openarchaeology.info (the website of the first one) is a good site for searching those things, but the house seems to be Celtic (and I found nothing mentioning the first one to be Germanic). The house seems to be based on findings in Germany; during the Bronze Age, there were "Germanics" only in Scandinavia, the territory of modern Germany was inhabited by Celts or people speaking pre-Celtic Indo-European dialects. Oerlinghausen (of which the second link talks about) is also in Germany, and thus probably also based on Celtic findings for the Bronze Age. The "Germanic" bronze age structures can be found pretty much only in Denmark and southern Sweden.
  11. I don't unfortunately, although I do have images of the interior of iron age Germanic structures (which used similar, but not identical, construction techniques).
  12. I would just leave where the door is as an empty space. These buildings would be "sunken" into the ground (that's why the roof is so low), so that the bottom parts of the entrance wouldn't be visible in them (other than the door your building captures very well the "sunken-floor" aspect already). Either way, these are small details, I think that the building you've created is very good and fitting for this culture's architectural style; I am glad that this thread has inspired your efforts =)
  13. Very good =) The door looks a bit too modern I think, and the texture of the walls should probably be something closer to this (this structure is from a later period, but the technique for making the wall is most similar):
  14. Nie, but I have studied with many Polish people and learned some Polish
  15. Artists' rendition of broad swords pertaining to this culture: Artist's rendition of a bronze shield: Artist's rendition of a short sword: The latter was based on the design of this miniature sword found on a burial site:
  16. I recall seeing black Roman legionaries in a History Channel documentary (when that channel was still good and made shows actually about history), so that could be fitting for the Romans at least.
  17. I think the idea of a mini faction is to work sort of like the natives in AoE3, having only one (or very few) buildings, which would be neutral, and a few units which could be recruited as mercenaries. But AFAIK the engine does not support this yet.
  18. About the heroes: although we don't have writings from this period, I imagine that heroes from the Scandinavian sagas that fit the time period could be used. For instance: in the Ynglinga Saga, "Odin's people" migrates from just east of the Don river, pass through the region of the Volkhov river, going then through what is today northern Germany, and finally arriving in Scandinavia and settling there. Historically, Indo-European peoples (from whom Germanic culture, amongst others such as Celtic, Latin and etc. originate) migrated to Scandinavia using pretty much this route. Although we cannot be sure, it is possible that this legend about the settlement of Scandinavia contains traditions about the great (historical) migration of Indo-Europeans to Scandinavia, passed down orally. So we could presuppose that the heroes mentioned in the sagas about the settlement of Scandinavia (if they existed) lived around the time when it was historically settled (c. 2800 BC). At this time, Scandinavia was still in the neolithic, rather than the bronze age, but those heroes could still be used for this bronze age civilization as an "artistic license". One such hero is Skjold (Skjöldr/Skjaldun): "Then Odin began his way northward, and came into the land which they called Reidgothland; and in that land he took possession of all that pleased him. He set up over the land that son of his called Skjöldr, whose son was Fridleifr;--and thence descends the house of the Skjöldungs: these are the kings of the Danes. And what was then called Reidgothland is now called Jutland."
  19. A burial site is a great idea for a wonder for this civilization. I suggest using the "Kiviksgraven" burial site, which belongs to the Nordic Bronze Age. Although this article about the monument is in Swedish, its abstract is in English, and it has a few pictures. Here is a picture of the site: And how it looks from afar:
  20. No, it is from a game I'm working on (the one on my signature) which uses a graphical style inspired by Warcraft 2. No actual Warcraft 2 assets were used in it.
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