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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Thanks! A variant would be fun, but that still leaves the tiny wonder for Carthage. There's not much to go on in terms of grand architecture when it comes to this particular civ
  2. Lol Carthage is my favorite faction, besides, it does need a larger Wonder, the size of the current one gives them an edge. I'll have a go at the Ptolemy watchtower when I have the chance Started studying what was left of the architecture of the Byrsa and got a bit carried away
  3. I may have accidentally made a Punic temple Trying to give the ol' temple of Ba'al Hammon a go, but it turned out a lot less epic in scale I blame the textures I'm kidding the textures are fantastic (Carthaginian textures look an awful lot like the ones in my CGTextures folder btw)
  4. Very nice! I see you have a nice bit of experience behind you, and it definitely shows in your work. I would recommend getting acquainted with the game and making yourself right at home here on the forums. Welcome to 0 AD!
  5. Lmao! Looks neat! Just keep in mind some textures tile better than others, maybe mix up ground texture types for a more natural feel. Sparse stuff those Greeks will be working with there
  6. I can do paintings, but you might want to have some whizbang screencaps and a good design layout for them to work. I can't be sending false signals. As much as I paint, my design might have a relatively low correlation to the game experience itself
  7. Woo! I'm an artist! Uh, I'm not sure my style is quite 'clean' enough for something like stickers. But what the heck why not!
  8. Thanks guys! I dunno how to put a logo overlay in my videos ;-; I'm as new at this as it gets! switched up the background and darkened some thingies
  9. Well I did what I could. Scrunched it down to 20 minutes, but I don't have the wildfire animation for the startup bit....
  10. Yeah different sounds for distinguishing civilizations sounds awesome! Really capture the feeling of each civilization. It'll definitely work better once we get different language voices for different civilization's units.
  11. I say stupid things when I don't sleep! I am, however, much more articulate! I think...

  12. 3 1/2 hrs into fifteen minutes? I dunno Ludo, sounds.... awesome! unfortunately, I'm not a video wizard. I'll have to figure something out, or ask Brynn. then we could have a fancy shmancy video thing! With words, and robots!
  13. Maybe the tuft and cape are a little too angular video is three hours long, so it'll be a while before it's processed but there's the link if you want it I feel like Im missing drop shadows because I'm totally missing drop shadows
  14. 3 hour session. im so hungry guys uuugh lol got another portrait done though, probably needs a trim. whole painting process is captured, video is processing on YT now.
  15. Wahaha check it out, Hypercam worked great! It's only a sketch, but I think it's best to separate the sketching and the painting i have no idea why. Too much coffee probably. You can watch me spazz out all over my tablet here if you feel like wasting about a half an hour of your day. on another note, might I use the game's music tracks in my development videos? Might be a bit harder to edit into 0ad development thingies, but would make a better stand alone video. not that i need stand alone videos. scratch that last bit, i'm just thinking with my keyboard. I bet the Chinese have amazing alphabet soup.
  16. Much more discernible as a wonder at a glance with the bigger horse
  17. Aaah! Ludo that looks awesome! Horse might be tiny but the terraforming solution is top! Perhaps a large grass decal to soften the transition, but other than that it looks great, man!
  18. Ha! I'm legit now!

  19. well maybe perhaps a new structure, doesnt HAVE to be round but that would be fun the barracks roof I made was fun to make, but there arent a lot of other buildings that carry posts out of the thatch. Maybe something with that?
  20. You think we could get a Brythonic temple by the twelfth? I figure if we can go all-out, why not? ahaha
  21. Thanks! The shadow from the shield covers up most of the belt; any highlights underneath will look a little weird. I did bounce some of the rim lighting off of it though
  22. alright, so i fixed it, but i cant navigate the forums like this, so i guess i'll put it up later
  23. Thanks guys! ... and thanks Mythos! xP alright, forums are getting all messed up and confusing, just quoted myself by accident
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