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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. todo menos los egipcios. Anda armandolos para cuando necesiten ser modificados especialmente unidades. Los q hace Mythos Ruler por ejemplo es armar primero las civs a partir de una base anterior q se parece y agrega las unidades según su parecido, así sólo es ir modificando hasta q queda completa.
  2. Por ahora sólo q me ayudes a hacer los templates en XML , guiate por los "desing docs" y busca las unidades similares. PD: no dudes en pedir cosas, para eso estamos COM. Recorda tmb ofrecerte ayudar a los otros mods así conseguís ayuda para el tuyo. Talking about ... Aristeia volunteer help and CoM help each other.
  3. I agree with that for nomad mode, may be if are a pre settlement like a well and some huts or camps can be build over that like AoM.
  4. Sketch 2 Based in imperial + tribal style Obviusly this conceptual
  5. ok sounds like Mayans (or American natives) or celts or like wooden race in Zelda or elf in that kind of fantasy.
  6. We are return to developing now as CoM. Thanks for that Niektb and all Council of Modders.
  7. We need document designer not only Aristeia, Millunium need one...and the others.
  8. Ok I need read about this faction. Is a tribe? A big empire? Whhich etnia is? Is very technology advanced? How is their culture?
  9. RoM is better for me. You have a document desing for your mod?
  10. Perfect , now is like a palace in a oasis. +1
  11. id not for me, is for my fans i prefered show as gameplay.But good piont I forget promotionating the atlas.
  12. Like roman/american ? Imperial or like American Eagle ?
  13. Someone else can give a capture of last art that enrique upload in the SVN , for now I can get it one, thank you.
  14. I ask for a screenshot. Thank you for undertstand
  15. Yeaaaaaaah only need props, I believes give some ornamental plants or vegetation gives some good look. A palms may be.
  16. Now I considerate... Can be like clash of clans.
  17. Good. I want see recent changes, for now my SVN crashes I need revert changes so I want to see new models.
  18. how I can revert the changes this happens after change to spanish (Chile).
  19. 2D artist I work more symbols and textures. Like shields. See mauryan ones I make it. With help of enrique of course
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