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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I found a bug in think ... If the wall have a damage the units that are garrisons in the walls , doesn't appears visible and are inside of the wall segment, not over wall visible. --------- pD: the behavior of units in walls don't attack enemy , unless they are under attack, only if I change to Violent they attack.
  2. It's not included in normal version only in SVN for developers, but should be included in A17
  3. Sibyline book is in The temple but im not sure if was released with Alpha 16.Marian reform is not active yet.
  4. I love your ponies onagers. You can do a mobile onager. PD: may be Add onagers sony matead to Quinquirreme ships can be good.
  5. Yesterday playign at night I discover the escort command ( follow and protect ) Is broken and don't responds with massive of troops pD I posted In wrong forum sorry for that mistake.
  6. Great, dont forget Siege bolt shooter and RAM
  7. 冲车:诸葛亮攻击陈仓的武器,也是历代进行攻城的时候使用的重要战车,在陈仓,被郝昭用链球式磨盘所破 Siege Tower. Zhuge Liang (possibly hero) used one of these to attack Chencang, but it was destroyed by Hao Zhao's troops using millstones chained together.
  8. http://historum.com/asian-history/45847-osprey-depictions-ancient-chinese-soldiers-vs-chinese-depictions-6.html Here are some references. I try to find and upload here. Horse cataphract ( leather) style Armored sword infantry
  9. Units are missing Chariots archer/javelin siege Tower onager( I'm not sure) Elite champion units
  10. Lordgood what happens if Starcraft meets you pony mod? Ponycraft war of ponies in space. Great work
  11. Nice video. How you do that? I mean the units placement
  12. Yeah, I knew I exported some models. Thank you for the suggestion , Trinketos don't forget delete material. I mean is unfinished model if, I do later or trinketos owner do it. I only make the idea but even I'm not sure, because this substitute the armory because they don't have one.------------ Trinketos I have new idea and if you uses celtic textures to basic building ...the stone is similar to the celts uses in their buildings. And after see some buildings from lordgood
  13. ok, but im not planned texturized , that textures need lot of work.
  14. This for Ai can be easy , but we aren't talking only for Ai. Human is not difficult uses kitting. See the video posted by Incong
  15. @Tango we have planned a mercenary camp system to balance or unbalance the game. Is similar to the proposition.
  16. Yeah why not? The mods are for all who propose new civs. Or a gameplay .In my case I can't do nothing to add in art material for now I contribute with some shields and symbols. I'm not part of team to know what is next. So I dedicated to mods because i promised to a Atemneses52 ( user) So get to the topic again.
  17. Agree but disagree with kitting. That don't make the rush less effective.
  18. I try to work in colorful textures.
  19. in the frontier because some times to block a common enemy I Ieper and me one time we play togheter as team and we defeat a guys that spawn elite Spartites , but to defeat his big army were build walls in leper territory to my archers and turrets bets thst army but I can build in his territory, the map was Corinthian Isthmus
  20. No, me siento más cómodo en mi lengua madre. A veces se me olvida quitar el corrector ortográfico en español o en inglés , me comunico desde mi ipad. Lo que quise decir es si eras del grupo de fb 0.A.D en español.
  21. Description need be a pop up window when is click it l hierarchy : Name of Mod(short) then Size - Mod type - description a link and then pop up windows- dependencies-folder name
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