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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Check the Updates. https://www.facebook...554282277936916
  2. Iwain request, its like you, think , like i was thinking LINK - ALL Shields https://www.dropbox....0and%20B%20.rar
  3. texture simply and give me texture for Photoshoping fashion look.
  4. when you want we give oportunity to begginers
  5. I made one Historical, now work in your request. i must finish some errors.
  6. yeh but its more easy but that txture for faces. Yeah now its for Learning upload to FES Webpages XD now nobody can say we dont do anything
  7. Use this: official logo Aristeia.
  8. giveme the png to do like i do the other before, if you give me where are ech part of texture i can work in that.
  9. Type B Midle Warrior LINKhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/k9fvy8c10agg19h/Shield%20type%20A.rar
  10. all XD, but we go straight, check Egyptian post XD.
  11. XD hahaha i love Bro, that why i was want to work with you. use Mauryans Lacers/spearman.
  12. painting it and give me the Texture and i Convert to Art Upload or share it with us. is for the Data base.
  13. Thank you, i hope many want to Join us. and i miss to Atenmeses52, he can see all Progress.
  14. Who wants join to FB? https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fallen-Empires-Studio/554282277936916 and if are Forum old members : 1 year or active Member, i give Administrator Status
  15. Updated: info. now we have FB Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fallen-Empires-Studio/554282277936916
  16. Important for give Credits to: they have very high quality info. http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,163533.0.html
  17. I Found this: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,163533.930.html
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