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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Check the link above named type B (Dropbox)https://www.dropbox....l9/B%20type.rar __________________________________________ Tiger Texture under CC http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.es
  2. Type B set - Link https://www.dropbox....l9/B%20type.rar Type C : i did type C set plain vesion? how plain?
  3. Thank you Historic Bruno, now i update and put in Status as planned
  4. you want more designes, a new set of shields?
  5. sorry i wanna use the argument from Pedro in the right Topic.
  6. linked now those topic it don't be despair to easy, any interested in this topic or related can guide best for forum.
  7. i think more AOK or EE2 Patrol, buting waypoint to looping and whan see a enemy units attack them, and yeah agree in defensive stance.
  8. what thread(may be i link it into related topic), and i know is too much buttons but we clear what are most important.
  9. don't forget click https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDBLZnEyTlJGWmQ5V3NLMmw3Q25VU3c6MQ and answer some frecuently in quietude from people.
  10. before what they use for animal force to bearing stuff?
  11. i was read the ticket, if you put a flare/flashing minimap for Skirmish, and a sound alert for for Battle, maybe can use that for radius localization, to avoid all units get a alert if are under attack, but if are closer could be same alert, or same battle, the adius determine if a battle are same than other. that i think is how works in some rts.
  12. i was answer you in the suggestion topic, but for now programmers are working hard in some performance issues and bugs issues. when they have time, the beast of fans can do its invite others to participate.
  13. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16932is planed but not a important feature, first its important make a new Pathfinding, than make that Command possibly.
  14. What are the best Features of game after a Day of the Sourvey? in second day our fans show us how know about the n game. Google are our best Ally to search Us but we must Know what they type to finding us? And what is the other Source to Find us.
  15. me llenas la encuesta?https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDBLZnEyTlJGWmQ5V3NLMmw3Q25VU3c6MQ
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