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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. You can have isometric view if you change some settings manually of course. The hot key to building is planned there are a ticket in our wiki. You can produce units with following keys "ZXCVBNM," To rotate buildings place and hold with mouse key pressed. You can see berries in minimap as under green color.
  2. if its happens to you try to reset game cache or test if is happens when release is come out.Some time ago I was have a problem similar when I started some buildings gives me a warning but only happens to me, I thing I did was reset the cache launch the release instead of svn and I don't have that issue anymore. Is kind of mirage.
  3. @igot2b Is interesting idea two players control single faction? Or two faction are with same color but share the control assigned two players?
  4. That the big problem here be don't have active art team members.I know we work with great quality standards. But we are playing with same Seleucid place holders , and there are 14 months, are props not whole set of buildings ( Lordgood works faster with great quality) only needs review to your work. The Mauryan trader is not finished, so Mauryans are not finished yet, now we have José ( the new animator) working with new models, have great quality too. I know this a hobby, and we don't have the pressure to finish, we are unique in the industry. But can be nice take some decisions about art and design team, we need a design team. Because after lost Michael we lost some gameplays features decisions these actually are freeze, like corral but that matter is other topic.
  5. can be nice you attached to the ticket or post related post forum , slightly I remember you made some related. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2293 These tickets have more than a year open, i mean these bunch of tickets related to art and props. Lordgood can review them? -------off topic------ May be the art leaders need to know, happens with my emblems , only I had some feedback, they aren't active. The ptolemaic emblem need be redesign.
  6. I can't see/ open reference to "Agema Helmet" so post other references here
  7. too move need ask a moderators like Feneur. But you must be patient because isn't a official task is more like a "nice to have" task. And Lordgood and Stan can help you with buildings, I can help you con 2D units art or with emblems or symbols.Something can you do is bring more volunteers to help you, found a Artist (3D) and convince him to help you. But all decisions pass for Enrique or Pureon, first. In forum art can be more obvious for them see your proposal.
  8. Yes all sugestions are concerned to art not to gameplay or technical
  9. Lordgood is team member he can commit but I say before he need finish with Seleucids, the other team members don't say anything about this, I like your idea but you must be very patient ( even more). For example this post can be nice in art Forum.
  10. That is the problem, if Enrique even knows about this post , probably you don't see in game in several alphas.
  11. we finish with Seleucids first be patient, Lordgood says about work in there but he don't have time even for Seleucids.
  12. In custom civ you change starting units to your custom XML units?You can see your changes in Atlas Editor?
  13. Is in spanish but don't matter the actors and clothes are important here. Talks about Egyptian - Asirya war
  14. I think that is not only a feature is design desition may be that is the cause wasn't before.
  15. Macedon don't have cavalry sword or infantry sword I feeling some underpowered in early stages, specially against buildings and army composed by archers.
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