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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I have one very old tutorial, but don't explain the GUI or victory conditions. Or how setting a match.
  2. a week ago was big trouble but now is for me totally fixed. About Frames rate, is because the lot of graphic( in the screen at the same time) when you perform that.
  3. Our team take care about that. Only specific the last minutes, and if you can upload some files Commands.txt(?) this generates a replay( whole your game) for the devs. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths Here is the path but isn't specific , but when you find a group of folder with numbers , inside each are a command.txt , try sort the folder by date, and this way you can see where is the correct gameplay. ------ Was funny game I Enjoy your style, not great tactical but more human who find for real fun.
  4. The Egyptian gates have an animation? Ok you mean last second when army for unknown reason enter in your city...? First time I see something like that, the elephant bug was reported.
  5. We need someone else like Mythos Ruler, a Game designer, a Leader to take decisions.
  6. Yeah an interactive manual,some people even don't know many commands or how is structured the GUI. I like how things work in AoK. You perform right clic on the avatar and a window with a detailed info appears.
  7. You need bunch of loading screen tips to new players, even those are unfamiliar to 0A.D.
  8. I haven't time or skills to do personal changes, is working fine , but the difference is huge between two weeks ago and now, two weeks ago I can defeat easily the Hard Ai but yesterday the Ai have a power overwhelming my Boomer skills, they looks attack with all units at same time, even in my second stage ( 14-20 min) the Ai have a Heroe and even the first siege machines. second Battle I Try to Defeat Middle ( Medium) Ai but I Failed to expand and in this stage the Ai starting to send Champions units with Powerful Rams. Third battle Ai ( Easy level) I can destroy using all my booming strategies and create a big army, the Ai can stop, but fight at great level, better than Hard Ai a week ago. Later I will show you my Commands files.
  9. Win 10. Here. You test it with the other lancers ( other similar) and cavalry( sword/javelin/archer) even camel archer? Tomorrow I will be another try. But pathfinder is 90% with bugs in land ( I wasn't test naval units yet)
  10. What have in common your other friends OS, computer specs, etc. may be is related to.
  11. Full massive battles, with little limits. But a what you think if the death match have standar victories, like wonder , relic and hotspots? May be I prefers Nomad like AoK and with several units very far each other. May be a deathmatch from nothing?
  12. Your mod is running for the interesting way... Very creative, try to create a fab fan page and feed changes here, and even record videos, I have something similar with vanilla game but in Spanish to attract more fans to the project.
  13. and units need stay close without break the formation. Can be flexible but don't break the cohesion.
  14. But , was a single update all these improvements? I'm. Very impressed, even I'm not imagine how to beat it. My defenses are useles and they rush hard with a big spamming of troops.
  15. Is very aggressive even in Medium, spam a lot units, is in head of tech race ( 3 phase very early) Their units are very superior, are capable destroy your city with 3 rams vs a my full army of Sparabara( spearman. Persian) and lead them by a powerful Hero.
  16. Now works fine, but sometimes the units will be refuse try to reach or doing some action ( order) if can't reach or do it. Example cavalry units can't build. Or some siege weapon( specially ram) can pass stretched corridors.
  17. im not sure why this problem only happens to you, the last time , I was check my problem with hunt was solved, you must try a map with plenty animals to hunt. With other cavalry ( lancer) and maybe melee and ranged.
  18. The concept need be start from something like AOE 3 , a player try to develop a Colony. ( the start of economy and early stages) The rules of/to combat need be similar to AoK or AoM ( to counter and be counter) The territory rules are from EE 2 and Rise of Nations this implying capture and commerce, even named each .
  19. In nomad mode can be a hostile ambience sounds, some like Silent Hill dark ambience but less intense to try affect the player psych, is not difficult for a sound maker do it.
  20. To considerate ( newbies trying to play) good feedback
  21. for the thing about Capture is simple to solve ; a switching mode behavior between destroy and capture. Or only inverse actual gameplay.
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