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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I can go back. I can believe we can have multi regional map.
  2. So now are compatible with SVN or with A20 or both? I will take white are instead of yellow
  3. @feneur can help you, only administrator can change names.
  4. The last time a check out was by hit.
  5. The problem with planting tree, is few civilization do this, and romans plant olive of get gardens with aesthetic proposes. the ancient Israelites do this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_gardens?wprov=sfsi1 so the trees they planting are olive. http://www.tbo.com/lifestyle/plant-some-ancient-history---and-a-really-tough-tree-56228 So romans don't have this practice.
  6. This an olive plantation, can work generating incoming or have a global boost for trading income. Can work like age of empires plantation. http://ageofempires.wikia.com/wiki/Plantation Is historical accurate, romans have agricultural industry . https://www.oliveoiltimes.com/olive-oil-basics/olive-oil-production-in-rome/23058 and can generates wood slowly, the other can be the vine plantation, providing food and income.
  7. @Palaxin your work is very important, work like this give to the game its own unique features.
  8. I want place only entities, I'm very bad creating terrain.
  9. Reviving post.... can be nice creating the second version of this.
  10. I share my technique if someone else wants learn.
  11. Yes I notice that... I try to fine later. the first look like a experienced leader may be l save for later.
  12. Can be nice implemented as upgrade for farms, but only with some kind plantations like olive oil, vine and generates extra incoming from trading.
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