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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Resident Evil 5 (finished) Resident Evil Revelations Resident Evil Remake HD. AoE DE 0 A.D Delenda Est.
  2. try save for a cpu i5 last generation as minimum, most of game ask this as minimum. For example this is minimum requiriment for Residen Evil 7 For 0 A.D this is enough RAM. For Resident Evil 2 Biohazard
  3. the only thing for someone to update is to have new art and some performance, the rest stays the same or worse.
  4. It is incredible that at this point we do not agree that we want as gameplay, a long time ago a team leader said that this was not a democracy, but neither do I see solid decisions.
  5. an i7 or new i5 with a decent gpu. Unless you save that for later. For me is better buy a desktop.
  6. Only remove the prop from xml file fromnactor file.
  7. https://www.sc2mapster.com/projects/starcraft-2-hero-map Reference for textures and ideas to improve the current work.
  8. But isn't complete, we are cresting almost nothing (textures) your drawings are the only model plus the real references.
  9. Ok that means in this texture(diffuse) i need use color player? You have tutorial to get the other textures specular And normal. https://www.giantbomb.com/normal-mapping/3015-596/
  10. As the other maps are made once the texture base is obtained, and to highlight details such as brightness or details that protrude from the surface something like a relief. In this case stretch marks, such as those on the golden part. Is it possible to create neon and color player? (at the same time) or light + color player?
  11. @Stan` how do I make light effects on the texture and get them to work in the game?
  12. Un ppco dificil adivinar que pasa. Sin más datos. Alguna captura description, algo?
  13. Elephant Catapract Onger. Legionary Spartan Inmortal Legionary Ninja. Onager with grenades.
  14. I think show the power of modding an Open source Project is a big advantage.
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