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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Like mini heroe, Empire Earth 2. That was great stuff.
  2. This making something similar for Carthage. And now I have want to see Numidians...
  3. Basically some idea i have to implemented the selector screen. But there are four. Additional thing... In EE you have a some minutes to take or grab a civ, can be nice have some. That give some bonus.
  4. Another hardcoded thing , hidden thing the specific file, is a variety to pixels those forms the gradient.
  5. Another mod to try. Same as Barca and Borg- style.
  6. Indian Slinger https://europabarbarorum.fandom.com/wiki/Kseptrayah_(Indian_Tribal_Slingers) Thanks Genava
  7. Our elephants haven't that wear in their head.
  8. Just waIting...an announcement. Hmmm question part of cycle of farming .... Segar or mow mowing (?) with scythe. An alternetive maybe
  9. https://www.hobbyconsolas.com/reportajes/que-deberias-abrir-puertos-router-como-hacerlo-294433
  10. Todavía te debo el grifo pero este tipo es más genérico.
  11. I have been observing for some time now that some rulers use an elephant head on Hellenistic coins, almost anything on these coins is taken as a helmet. elephant scalp helmet,Uhu? Can be bronze or iron like Alexander Lion.
  12. Shaved , tanned. The classical Greek men ideal can get(?)
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