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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Stopped because my health. I have some materials but not all.
  2. Youbare right, but can be better...fix them? That is better.
  3. I don't see anything wrong with showing your briefcase. But almost everything that is not yours must be done from nothing.
  4. I help to Rossi at the first time with this. Many Hellenistic Portraits are missing. All Seleucid... All Ptolemaic.
  5. I good to know how we can work together, the fauna is important. But you are right.
  6. That bug was fixed? I was really sick of seeing that mess and how it created lag that ai behavior.
  7. I know but I can't avoid adding extra reference. The helmet is very rare , i have other reference from that.
  8. https://www.academia.edu/36784279/Armour_of_the_Cataphractarius_from_the_Roshava_Dragana_Burial_Mound
  9. If I notice it too, I'll look into it in detail. I have a sniffled so I'm kind of apathetic.
  10. Except the 1 , thats a Iranian.
  11. We need animating animals and make biomes. That is very a demand. I can take the icons but you can be a great support to me. Alexander can take some units textures. And animations. Wacky can take textures in meshes specially units. Stan is multitask guy but isnt icon or drawing guy. Lordgood can take buildings , Fauna. Sundiata is good digitalizing draws or makinf digital draws.(is more faster than me. Rossi take some our last portrits recently. Enrique can work with all. But he is better at 3D.
  12. Te va aparecer un segundo delenda est. El que bajastes ahora se llama working copy.
  13. lo que seguiria es activar el mod, no se si lo has hecho antes.
  14. En tus documentos. Ahora haces algo similar al svn. En la carpeta que creaste le das click y te va dar un menu similar. Lo que hsremos es clonar el repositorio(codigo) de delenda est. El codigo es este. https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est.git Donde dice URL pones el codigo que te di. El directorio es la carpeta que creaste. Luego ledas ok. Y empieza a bajar todo. Hay un video de como hacer esto. Apartir del segundo minuto.
  15. Ahora be a la carpeta mods de 0ad. \Users\{name_of_user}\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\ Alli hace una carpeta q sea algonasi como DelendaestA24
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