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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I will traslate one by one the most important features. @Loki1950 https://erasdelmundo.foroactivo.com/t598-los-numidas from here. no great thing except that brief about Numidians. http://www.campaign-game-miniatures.0catch.com/corvusbelli_ants1.html Miniatures... no great info. http://caballipedia.es/La_caballería_en_África (cavalry in Africa).
  2. Horse iconography is kind interesting later I will post that. There are some french books I can try translate something but is better from french speaker know if something is valuable. @Stan`
  3. Healers can do it better, but this is a kind off topic that can be nice discuss. Is quite interesting there's no much great military bonus to make "combos".
  4. Kushite is bad bonus if you haven't elephant civ. Worst bonus so far. Related with my bonus. Suggestion compare these with AoE and AoE II. Those are real bonus.
  5. In Age of Empires HD (2013) certain factions have a bonus with which they share a unique unit. I know this is not possible even in 0 A.D. and I think it would be a good idea for factions like the Mauryas or the case of the Numbers to share a unique unit or with a special bonus. In AoE it works like this. if you are being an ally of Italian you have access to a new unit. (Additional new unit) same with Berbers in African Kingdoms. @Stan` @Freagarach @elexis @Angen Is it possible to program this feature? This would work as follows. if you are not allied, no additional icon will be shown.
  6. Yes is kind a "cringe" face. I don't liked.
  7. Todavía tenemos esa característica en el juego. Le debo pedir a Stan que si es fácil de hacer.
  8. So, they are some kind Thureophoroi? or more Scutarii like? @wackyserious I love these details in the textile. or more Hannibal army with Lybo Phoenician usin mixed equimpent? (removing the Hellenistic helmet) the helmet is from Phoenicia the front is similar to Attic but mixing with Levantine Helmet shields are Thyreos Hippo Regio stele. I found the source of image and very handful material is from. Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars 359 BC to 146 BC. @Sundiata I found the unit you asking for early. now Im realize where they access to such great technology.
  9. @wackyserious I was searching Numidians and I found a source. check the Phalangite with asiatic influence .
  10. @Genava55 You can answer why we are near to remove that unit?
  11. @Sundiata @wackyserious You know where this illustration come from?
  12. Second part about Romanized Numidians Infantry. http://theminiaturespage.com/boards/msg.mv?id=123253 Cornelius tacitus wrote. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.02.0078%3Abook%3D2%3Achapter%3D52 Tac. Ann. 2.52 -Tacitus Annals II 52 ___________________________________________________ African Helmet where are those?
  13. We must finish the game first, but we can release many things. @LordGood @Stan` --- edit: I forgot the new member from social matters. @Sundiata
  14. reply to myself probably wrote this because he born in that land. but we have Caesar info. https://books.google.hn/books?id=9BghBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA134&lpg=PA134&dq=numidian+legionaries+suetonius&source=bl&ots=LZrOjqEfpN&sig=ACfU3U0YP7KT6TDnnusi_RMLrgHywhTS3Q&hl=es-419&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjm4MC-hoTnAhVIo1kKHR_gBQM4ChDoATAAegQICRAB http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Suetonius/12Caesars/Julius*.html Juba help Pompeian troops. About this rebel revolt. Roman point of view. Lybians, Afri, Numidians and Mauri forms Berbers from Roman times. following... the Legions... http://theminiaturespage.com/boards/msg.mv?id=123253 same as roman but may be more different style of guy, like a Lybo-phoenician, a Berber in Roman fashion. and a fair point. http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?697422-PREVIEW-Numidia&styleid=41 Quintus Statorius. help to raises this Roman fashion Numidians. Punic, African , Coolus , Montefortino should be fine.
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