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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. testing. in the last I i proved the distance between deer.
  2. ok let me guess how I can use and have same feel than our inspiration .
  3. Other pack good for modding. I like hand cursors Or Cursors Imitating the AoE style.
  4. @dmzerocold we are adding some of stuff not changing anything yet, but for now we are test some description on the mods. So we are recruiting (or trying) to have writer to write history and other things like Faction summary/Overview , History like an a encyclopedia (maybe) , planning this for campaigns , scenarios and Hero description. The things are done we can let be in that way. In the future must be dialogue script for a scenario. Or a text intro in some campaign.
  5. So what are our possibilities make a gaulish imitation of that? Isnt that hard. Only tell me which animal is , a deer?
  6. Gracias Puedes pegar el texto directamente? jaja , gracias.
  7. same but with my hands? is possible what is that?
  8. yes understanding the patter we can make with your suggestion the rest and many variances.
  9. the original isnt symmetrical or perfect. have many mistakes (on purpose) I can do it perfect instead of faithful (accurated).
  10. ok. @negraco necesitas abrir tus puertos. va depender de tu router , que marca y modelo es?
  11. the lines arent may be figures they are... thats I will ask to @Genava55 how make our own decorations. we can use similar colors.
  12. this , I will start with this. it will take some time but isn't difficult but is long to make. only i will need @Genava55 knowledge about the rare figures in the top.
  13. show me the original that you were using may be I can imitate or make something without copyright by our own rights.
  14. ok @Iori will take this and write something suitable for us.
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