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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Yes but still effective if you dont take down faster.
  2. @Nescio @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded
  3. https://github.com/0ADMods/SoundsMod if you want to test
  4. Ok i will paste your mp reply, thank you.
  5. I have some questions. Actually I know how implement buildings alarm. How implement new trained unit sound? Train healer or military unit How implement an alarm from existing one? For example from capture relic or make a wonder. (event)
  6. for capture units. captureanimal2.ogg captureanimal.oggcaptureanimal2.ogg
  7. I'm fixing the current . there is a current sound to conversion/turn a unit to your side . I propose split in 3 religius convertion one for capture or get neutral units. Religius conversion first. sacredmagic.ogg crazy_mixdown.ogg Glisssado chime.ogg Glisssado chime.ogg sacredmagic.ogg crazy_mixdown.ogg sacredmagic.ogg sacredmagic.ogg
  8. https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-best-building-an-empire-type-if-games a open post.
  9. @feneur @implodedok we can remove cvm (c u m) latin word from censorship? Edit: Oops try to merge both of my last replies. Ty.
  10. Let me contact some expert, @GunChleoc
  11. 2v2 are my fav how work in that way @badosu ?
  12. Que debes usar parslax , difuso , especular y otros mapas .
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