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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Healing fountains/wells/hotspring. (yeah, like in AoM) Ruins (for the Lulz) It seems to me that we should be able to capture pirate ports and when the Siege workshop is captured, mercenary siege machines can be created.
  2. For me the best is as in RT1 and 2 and also in Aoe 3. That's why I proposed the external mercenary system. You will have a camp with Maurya theme, another with Celtic, another with North African, another with Levant and another with Mesopotamia and so on. I have even thought of trade mechanics with civilizations that are not in the session. you have a map of the known world, you trade with cities and governments on the map, you trade surplus and perhaps rare resources. then after you unlock pacts to send mercenaries to your CC like in AoE 3. like in the card deck. then you find yourself in the situation that your civilization can import elephants(mercenaries) from India while you are in Italy or Spain.
  3. I'm in favor can work with Tactical Minimap
  4. I like this idea. I lay this around in the 2000s. 2003 maybe.
  5. this unit would be like the healer but would replenish ammunition instead of hp.
  6. at least the Romans in that series were authentic, I didn't see it but in its entirety, the Romans look authentic. Germans look viking Series (bunch of LARPs). i never expect anything from Netflix.
  7. YHWH is sacred to this day. -_________________________________________________________________ I prefer Yāwān) was the fourth son of Noah's son Japheth according to the "Generations of Noah" (Genesis chapter 10) in the Hebrew Bible. Josephus states the traditional belief that this individual was the ancestor of the Greeks. this is as the Greeks appear in the Hebrew version. referred to as Ionian. very similar to Mauryas and Persian.
  8. @Stan` the first. is very similar to aoe concept and simple.
  9. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameplayFeatureStatus Is more interactive than mission maps.
  10. The difference is the following. Basically both are "cambio" or intercambio (exchange). But Trueque is more specific.
  11. Check this terrain texture, we need improve this.
  12. De hecho es trueque pero suena raro seria truequear. Aun así no se como quedaría.
  13. that's why we don't add many civs is hard make a maintenance.
  14. Spanish (latinamerican) <Player> cambiado/Canjeado <A> por <B>
  15. I need check which units available in your mod. Your Seleucids for example dont have Galatians.
  16. Mainly mercenaries that aren't avaible. So the troops that you have is poor. Is there a way without mercenary camps?
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