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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. Since StarCraft 2 you could make several options even manipulate the ai.
  2. ask the trilateral commission and Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski. The man who planned the war in Afghanistan was him, but he's already dead.
  3. I only say that they will not stop it, secondly, socialism is financed by capitalism. You guys are being alarmists... I remember that they have been with these prophecies of the end of the world for years because of climate change. now with socialism ... what they practice in the US and Europe is called Fabian socialism. We already have a topic dedicated to that. As I understand there are several solutions ... One sounds like National Socialism and eugenics, which doesn't surprise me. This was said by a US politician: "The third world must be depopulated." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Security_Study_Memorandum_200 Second, China is not going to cooperate and India appears to be neither.I'm afraid that without these polluting countries ... They won't achieve anything. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/10/what-happens-if-we-beat-climate-change/ Everything points to this apocalypse happening in 2030.
  4. Cultural.... .And will the elite of your country continue to eat meat? Obviously yes. The other way is proposed in a book and it is not a better idea. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Limits_to_GrowthThe other way is proposed in a book and it is not a better idea. This is Neo-Malthusianism.
  5. That's why I said the one created by humans, I don't remember what name it has.
  6. the capitalist system will not cease to exist for the elite, I have already said that. We vile mortals without money, we will have to live without meat and without oil. "You will have nothing and you will be happy"-World Economic Forum.
  7. I'm not going to argue about paid propaganda in the name of science. One of the main points is to reduce the consumption of meat. I am speaking of course of the man-made one.
  8. that visual concept is very nice.
  9. Political issue. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/07/good-grub-why-we-might-be-eating-insects-soon/
  10. the times of Jesus and the second temple is one of my hobbies to investigate and read.
  11. It is the temple of Jerusalem but the art is a mixture and can serve as inspiration.
  12. Las opciones gráficas como las tenés activadas? Que versión estás jugando?
  13. Slaves can get a bonus gathering stone. Nobles could get tax (trickle) bonus. The others are basically Freeman, citizen and tribal members. That's the idea in Imperator of Rome. I know that it is another type of game, basically they have the factions that we have. Even more. https://imperator.paradoxwikis.com/Population but it is historically correct.
  14. sounds like some problem with the account, you should check. Sometimes they change the login form.
  15. they could have economic bonuses. Similar to the aforementioned game ( Imperator - Rome)
  16. a question, what differences are there between the latest RC and SVN version?
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