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Everything posted by ribez

  1. i'm not a programmer, but only an enthusiast, so please forgive me if i say stupid things instead of improving the pathfinding algorithm, which, as you said, is a very hard thing, how hard is it to implement an algorithm which is not too much clever, but that can take advantage of parallel programming? http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/the-secrets-of-parallel-pathfinding-on-modern-computer-hardware/ http://cs.hood.edu/~xliu/566/curpros/cs566-miller-astar-06262010.pdf http://graphics.tudelft.nl/~rafa/myPapers/bidarra.MIG2011.pdf
  2. sometimes i listen the 0 A.D. soundtrack on bandcamp
  3. hi, you can follow the ongoing tickets situation here and the changesets to the code here
  4. i don't see the problem... the full month is made of a certain number of work days. Currently Philip have worked for 11 of these days. When he'll be able to dedicate a full day to the game, the days worked will be 12. Meanwhile he's continuing to code to improve the game in his free time: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/timeline
  5. cool... i like your effort to make your random maps less symmetric (i also seen the lake random map)
  6. "Silva obscura" or "Silva incognita", latin for dark forest or unknown forest
  7. ...just look like the Greek one? ah, ok... well, maybe yes, aesthetically they were very similar. From the game point of view, they could have a bonus for mining
  8. i prefer this http://www.youtube.c...feature=related
  9. i think quantumstate, the creator of qBot, is implementing some changes to his AI that should permit this: see here and next post http://www.wildfireg...ndpost&p=230770
  10. in my last games practically i use my women only for farming, and use the market to buy metal/wood/stone only when needed. Probably the exchange rate should decrease more quickly and increase more slowly, to force players to search other mines/trees and use the market only when real needed. but i like the market: for me, it only needs to be tweaked. nice idea
  11. also much things will be re-balanced, and the AI improved, so tell now what scenario is more difficult than others it's not very useful
  12. thank you if needed, i can always reshoot these photos. sure... you can use them as you like... it's the least i can do for you
  13. ok... here are some examples: and here are the photos i've shooted (67 MB) http://www.mediafire...9znrwxim6lw4co3
  14. Welcome, if you want to contribute to the game with your skills, take a look here http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11297
  15. ok, i will try to shoot some photos in the next 2/3 days: it seems there will be bright days so they should be an ideal situation
  16. thanks... i live in a town, Fondi, that had the roman citizenship since 338 BC, and i see these type of walls everywere i don't know how textures are made, but, if needed, i can shoot some photos
  17. hi Mythos, i'm just looking to the graphic works in ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural/ about Rome. Do you think to add some building with texture showing: Opus reticulatumOpus incertumOpus mixtum?
  18. i think Potter is talking about the files posted by Mythos_ruler
  19. +1 for more little GUI or, at least, the GUI should be split in two parts and occupy the angles of the screen. +1 also for replants farms
  20. Hi, this is the changeset that modified the FOV in the last Alpha: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/10548
  21. totally agree with you about the market
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