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Pedro Falcão

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Everything posted by Pedro Falcão

  1. Magnificent art. I'd just like to point out for the subtitle, "The Bronze Pack" is a bit vague. I recommend really using the full description "Bronze Age Civilization Pack" or just "Civilization Pack", but with a smaller size, else it'll steal attention from the title.
  2. It seems the problem doesn't lie in a clean code neither end user understanding (our developers can clearly take care of that) but how complex the feature can be without affecting its priority.
  3. Just a tip: Instead of assigning to 2 adjacent wall blocks, you can assign each group to a corner of the wall, so that they'll walk less and collide less, sparing you some time.
  4. Good thinking, dude, I agree with most of your proposals.
  5. Maybe creating a dedicated webpage with the description of the project would be a good start... And linking your signature image to it would attract some curious clickers! I saw a topic, some days ago, in which someone was offering a domain for a fanpage of 0 A.D... I even asked about the ".me" of the domain.
  6. This seems reasonable to me. But about the scorpion bolts, it must be an ultimate tech, imagine how easy it would be to fend the attackers with giant arrows? One single bolt of those things was able to take down 3 men or a horse and its rider.
  7. I love to watch this kind of videos. How much time it took to make this model?
  8. I tend to favor a lighter player color (it attracts more attention) just like the stables, but i guess it would mean all models need to be changed?
  9. You have pretty much all the aspects of the game already set in your mind, don't you?
  10. Just for reference, Warcraft 3 uses this system of percentage-based armor. Here is the link for its page: http://classic.battle.net/war3/basics/armorandweapontypes.shtml
  11. Currently, no translations are being implemented. The team thought it better to only start translating when the game reaches beta stage. All the work around here is volunteer, so it takes time to finish, plus at this stage of development the game always has new features to be added to the manual, but yes, one day it'll earn the right to be called 'Manual'.
  12. Jonathan, we have The Mista as a respected voice on these matters... Why not ask him his opinion or let him test himself?
  13. I'm not part of the team, so what i say shouldn't be taken as a prophecy, but since you ask an opinion, i tell you to not to expect it before the first Beta release.
  14. Well, not so new, but... http://threatpost.co...affected-092612 The patch that seems to fix it was already released, as said here: http://appleinsider.com/articles/13/01/12/oracles-fix-for-zero-day-java-flaw-to-be-available-shortly
  15. I plan to spend some time studying in Dresden (Germany), so i'm learning German (currently by my own, but i'll take a course when i finish my English course, this year). I'm fascinated by all these Central/Northern European languages (i even hope to someday learn Magyar(Hungarian)).
  16. Yeah, he was so engaged in the community i thought he'd stay long... Did some tragedy happen with him?
  17. I need some things clarified. (I hope this didn't sound arrogant, i am just confused) - Will soldiers be able to take down buildings, in the 1.0 version of the game or will they only be able to capture, after all? - If soldiers are only going to capture buildings, can they then dismantle buildings being built? Well, this does make sense, realistically speaking, but would it make sense in the gameplay? I mean, you already take a long time to build things, if the enemy keeps sending soldiers, it'll only be annoying, for if well managed, it can make you waste a lot of time, for when you're wasting time fending off the attackers, the enemy is building up his economy unconcerned. - How many soldiers you'll need to build something faster than a siege weapon destroys (or tries to)? And what differentiates so much a built building with 1 of health left and a building 99,9% built as to not let it train units?
  18. If slavery is ever going to be added, add an option to not have them in the match, too. Some people just want the good and old bloodshed, not to keep sending men to their deaths. I, personally, think slavery should be tied to morale. While the soldier has morale, he'll fight to death. If he loses all his morale, then he'll start losing loyalty, until neutral, when he'll look like a chained beggar, instead of a soldier. When the slave driver is killed, the slaves may revolt or may run for freedom and abandon the game (running to the corners of the map), but can be intercepted in the way and recaptured or, if intercepted by a hero that's not from the same faction as his captor, may join his forces.
  19. Why sun? I was thinking of something like "The Cradle of (insert something cool here)", like 'of the World' or 'of the Civilizations' (thought i found this last one too presumptuous).
  20. Wow... Around we only have to study (some) the Brazilian and Portuguese (a micro part of it, mainly Luiz Vaz de Camões) literature, and since the oldest document in Portuguese is younger than my country (which is 513 years old, and the documents are in Gaelic-Portuguese, not purely Portuguese), in most cases there are only some different/unused words. I read Shakespeare, but it was out of curiosity and it was with the comfort of it being in my own language. People here also generally don't bother learning other languages. A superficial understanding of Spanish is being teached, nowadays, because of the Mercosur agreements, a superficial English is teached (but 50-60% of what i learned was due to my own interest in understanding what the characters were saying in the games i used to play)... State Colleges here are free, but you have to compete (generally through a national test once a year) for your place in there. There are professors from many nationalities, of course, but i don't know of any classes in another language besides Portuguese and English (And English only for foreign teachers who don't speak Portuguese).
  21. Wouldn't it be better to list the possible event into enums? It would be more organized and working with integers is faster than with strings, but the string can still be included...
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