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  1. Aaah... thanks... Is there going to be a way around this like in AoE the just move outside
  2. I dont know but I saw it in some settlers game... LOL... I dont think there will be any record... but anyways
  3. I dont have a report or anything. I was playing the 1st scenario with the gauls and I concusred the hill in the middel. I built a wall around to keep the enemies out. The last piece of wall the build was going on forever... They hammered away but nothing happened... Health stayed on 1 and the wall was not build. I overrided this problem by stopping everyone that was building and then got them to build again King regards LTJR
  4. Lord Good... You seem like you have a lot of time on your hands... ;-) Awesome modling... You got some talent man!!!
  5. Trees that Grow: mabe make a Plantaition Building that have a unit running arroud planting trees or mabe assing a worker to a "forest Area" to plant trees... Then They grow and can only be chopped of on full groth
  6. Yeh that will be cool... And mabe a spie systim like in setelers... Where you go in and get a list about all units and rescourses of the player... it will be cool... then only high level military and other spies can catch one another... Mabe only for capains to get info... Then you can have a tech CounterEspionage and Espionage... Espionage make the spie only visible to the enemie's higher units and increase spie speed... Presicely the opposite for CounterEspionage. Could make the gamplay better or more interesting... I would also love the Idea of different formations having different atvanteges... and disadvanteges
  7. Yeh a Blacksmith builing for a wonder for the gauls.. anyhow it is a stubit idea... and pls I am not a knight, pls dont call me sir. Rather call me son...
  8. Thatnks... that website helped... and yes I do have flashblock but alredy whitlisted the website
  9. I agree 10000% So we got a conclusion.. No conclusion without debate i always say. If I offended you in any way majapahit I am very sorry. It was not my intention... To the rest... I havent seen a discussion like this in my life... Son much smart people here... i guess that is the reason this project is great... Kind Regards An Happy Holidays LTJR
  10. Enriqe... Well said man... I think it is just so much pain making two versions and that takes up space... Well then we do the swastika and do one without it... I just dont see how it is gonna look on the website. Download the German version here (Without swastika simbol in game) Kind regrds LTJR
  11. majapahit: The game will not be outlawed in your country if they ommit the sign... It will be outlawed in Germany... Consider that to
  12. Look... the problem is when the mejority of people see the Svastika they connect it in their head with Hitler and Nazis... Do we want That... Offending people.... I do see it you way but pls consider my way to majapahit... Kind Regards LTJR
  13. Nope... I will when I am older... Hell I am almost 15 how must i get there... I respect Asians. Have to do with them a lot because my dad is in the Tourist bussness. They have a great culture... I know what this sign means to them and I respect that but you need to understand that when we put in the Svastika we will offend people. When we replace it with another Asian sign nobody will be offended... pls look at it this way.. regards LTJR
  14. I keep getting this error. My flash is up to date and I am in FF with no flash problems... When I try To ascces music i get this Can anyone Help Kind regards LTJR
  15. Yeh mabe a wonder type thingie... like Lava Forge... with a lava well.... Yeh too much mitology
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