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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Maybe this topic can help you : http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?557710-Please-more-high-poly-3D-units
  2. Hi, I'm working on 3Dsmax 9 (Windows 8 64bits). I may be able to find some tutorials for you. I used mudbox only once so I can't help you on that, you don't really need it unless you have a wacom table and know exactly what you're doing. 3dsmax soft selection and paint deformations tools will do the trick. On this forums you have the bbcode for importing images and the spoiler, try to use it, that's more convenient You could smooth the helmet, did you import the head from the assets or made your own ? also another guy seems to be working on this here : My interpretation of the helmet worn on the soldier to the left of the man carrying the horn on the Nile mosaic. Some sort of kettle hat shown on the Sidon Stelai The Thracian Cap from references Successor Officer Helmet from reference You should use this to find a task : http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17730 Regards Stan
  3. Yup, the howl was just for fun for rendering, it will not be included in the release. The Donkeys are messed up with the normals i need to flip faces. Don't know how the animation is supported in DAE format. Does it support multi mesh ? Also should I use a walking animation for donkeys for they don't seem to be rigged ?
  4. That seems weird to me that ptolemies would use guys from an Island, instead of guys from the same area...
  5. That was my second option X) EDIT : I'm so glad you guys like my building. This is kind of a dream to work for a video game. Thanks all
  6. Didn't know if it was considered as a small building
  7. How did you reduce the number of polys ? I tried to but I wasn't able to keep the shape
  8. I was not trying to change anything ^^. I had never seen a video game using Javascript. but lua a lot. Thank you for this all my questions were answered
  9. I need Enrique to read this. I don't think the aim was to make a new building. I could remove the roof indeed or put it back as it was. =) Since the Gauls have more squared buildings I guess maybe i could replace the round building by one. That's all I can think right now.
  10. Love listening to this while playing and/or modelling ; http://www.google.fr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDEQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DjiwuQ6UHMQg&ei=X9_JUt6dLo6S0AWjoYC4DQ&usg=AFQjCNFgc5c9evHgGQSWWT4Ltbkw27ahPA&sig2=X-nNcC8asMN5vOtQDI8FUQ
  11. Not using blender but maybe this could help you http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.4/Manual/Textures/Influence/Material/Bump_and_Normal
  12. Okay, so it is mostly for portability issues ? I'll ask him maybe he wants to change his mind. He's not really my friend though, we have working together thats it
  13. I love those Norman Shields 1066 FTW
  14. I don't know them unless its a joke CMD is fun for autoruns (ie : attrib -s -h) I like Security Essential, can be shut down when he needs to. MalwareBytes is good to although that's not really an anti-virus.
  15. Why are we using Javascript for the game ? I've learnt some at school and did some stuff on web pages (so maybe i could help), but I don't see why actually. Anyway I know a very talented guy called Mefistolis he is retro engineering a game called dungeon keeper : http://keeper.lubiki.pl/ You can see the source of the game here http://code.google.com/p/keeperfx/source/list Contact him by mail at : mefistolis@gmail.com He may able to fix your stuff and a lot more. He is really patient, and i owe him all I know about C++ he is a professionnal programmer
  16. Did it just for fun seems that Norton hasn't improved in years...
  17. I'm not sure a piece of wood per arrow is a good idea. Because if you think about it its wood logs going out of trees so an archer myself i can tell you can make a lot of arrows from a log. So maybe 10 per log or something like that. I read somewhere that it was planned to make carry. Can we do something like the settlers V ? Where units can interract with the building. So for example they can climb a ladder or dig in the wall etc ? Also about the mine maybe the good idea would to make units able to garrison in it fill their inventory and get back with the appropriate ressource. I have another question, why isn't any kind of money in the game ? It could be like the settlers (yes i love that game) each turn, 2minutes for instance, each unit pays a tax.
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