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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Well Omri If you want i can put it in the Han mod, which you can follow the evolution in the modding forum I took Kimball's mod back on the trail
  2. Can we have gaia/fauna,flora ? Lakes ? I'd like to have some props like that.
  3. @Lion can you work on a background for ROTE ?
  4. That's the china "bireme" niektb is looking for proof to deny or confirm it's existence. But the most important thing on this picture, is that garrisonned units on boats can shoot
  5. Okay rada, could you make this new organisation on paper (with ALL empty subfolders) using the /tree /a /f CMD command don't know the equivalent on linux, so we could apply it to our mods, and before that discuss it more ?
  6. Great ! =D Can you also draw a blacksmith ? =)
  7. Thanks my friend, will replace it on the texture. What does my char means ?
  8. Just to show you that I am still there
  9. How did you think I did Hand is long but the way. BTW you broke my forteress (Aristeia) I think we should fix prefix too. All props should be like misc_type(fauna,prop,embelishment)_name.xml
  10. Well some art has to be done before beta. We don't have all meshes yet. And a lot of programming bugs/enhancement/additions have still to be done.
  11. For this I have an easy idea. If it's only for this building (e.g separated mesh because of the textures) → Same Folder If it's a common prop (e.g barrel, box pile ← Those are not commited and are part of my foundations) → It will be in the props folders Special case : if the prop can be reused as Eyecandy (e.g Egyptian Sitting dogs) they should be in props/eyecandy.Cons : If everybuilding has a lot of props might become messy.
  12. For those, If we want to be cleaner than the original public folder, when we will have the new meshes we should unify the names in our folders, or ask Enrique to do it. Well If I don't I have a Pony Millenium Chinese Aristeian UI + the default mixed randomly which is bad
  13. There is also a big issue with models using <variant> <textures><....></textures> </variant> While there is only one model and one texture, which make it look like it's big. We should fix those. I'm wondering if we could have a strict Xml Parser (Just to check we are following the conventions) In some cases, this can help to have more props for units (ie : mix of axes and swords) but if something is not in the good order everything goes wrong. Also TABS should be used, and Indent correct. We should define those coding conventions. I fixed the last bug with Aristeia coming from utility function that screwed up the gui, making the game unplayable for the player no matter what civ was used. I also suggest we avoid as much as possible to overidde game's file. To prevent this I add -mod=public in the command line. That cleans up my interface, which conflicts with mods. Could we have a manager for that ?
  14. Rada : I agree we can do that to gain cleaness. But folders were a mess already. So using default until everything is done reviewed and fixed seems better. I may be wrong though. I fixed your texture by adding a white layer beneath with 2% transparency.
  15. Fixed. There are some issues left with healer and attack.js. Also rada follow the conventions heads go into heads etc.
  16. Fix the Ai Js stuff and I'll fix your crown
  17. Okay then do it. Seems like we misunderstood again (I didn't thought you were waiting for me... ))
  18. in and nevertheless keeping as variation.1. Well I'll see, commited the first part. 2. You're right I have better things to do. 3. I did not remove the forteress, since there was none at the beginning. 4. I like to keep trace of old buildings, but bringing them back would make it a flaw. Maybe If you still have them commit them in a separate folder.
  19. No common Egyptian units will were the crown right ? About historical accuracy, I don't think pharaohs were poor, so gold should be accurate. If you wanna keep it black an white, add a little pattern on it (I'll do it if you want) Can you please fix aristeia to work with SVN beforehand ?
  20. Rada, you should make it gold and player color It would look better.
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