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  1. Love it. Can we have that in the game please?
    3 points
  2. I have only messaed around with the code as it exists now. I have only added a new selection ring with the <Selectable> element. This right here is only my suggestion of how it could or should be done instead of in Selectable. Reasons for keeping it within <Auras> Helps keep the visual aura concept together with the aura codeGives flexibility because the visual aura does not necessarily have to have the same visual behavior of the selection ringGives flexibility for each aura visualization to be different if deemed necessaryPrevents the need for a custom texture for each building or unit with an aura. If the game combines the selection ring and the aura ring into 1 texture (like I have done above as a test), then you can't keep the selection footprint sizes separate from the aura ring sizes. It has to be one texture.Can give Aura ring the behavior of showing up with preview entity. Footprint/Selectable does not do this for good reason.So, you could have Aura1 and Aura2 and Aura3 each weith different textures and stuff. There might be bad reasons to do this, but I don't know them. <Auras> <Aura1> <Type>range</Type> <Radius>60</Radius> <AlwaysVisible>False</AlwaysVisible> <Texture> <MainTexture>auras/test/1024x1024_aura.png</MainTexture> <MainTextureMask>auras/test/1024x1024_aura_mask.png</MainTextureMask> </Texture> <Affects>Structure</Affects> <Modifications> <Health.Max> <Multiply>1.25</Multiply> </Health.Max> </Modifications> <AuraName>"Eternal Fire of Rome"</AuraName> <AuraDescription>Structures +25% Health within 60 meters of the Temple of Vesta.</AuraDescription> </Aura1> </Auras>
    3 points
  3. Okay, so I try test. Looks like I was wrong and footprint code no long make selections, so intricate selection rings can be created! Here is a test I just did for temple Vesta: <Selectable> <Overlay replace=""> <AlwaysVisible/> <Texture> <MainTexture>auras/test/1024x1024_aura.png</MainTexture> <MainTextureMask>auras/test/1024x1024_aura_mask.png</MainTextureMask> </Texture> </Overlay> </Selectable>
    3 points
  4. @Yves why not a hotkey such as tab ?
    2 points
  5. Eventually I think there should be a generalized way to paint ring of various type: aura, but for example also min and max firing range. They should be able to be set automatically, without specifying a texture, this would be a lot easier to manage (i.e. no need to modify XML files, just use settings already available in every unit for size, using a different color for type). See for example these that were generated using little textures that can be placed on the border of a big ring: Also for aura there should be a way to detect if a unit is really influenced by the aura, this is especially useful when aura only parttially cover a unit. A possibility would be to have a symbol floating over the unit when the aura affects it (as some of the units in previous images have).
    2 points
  6. I think it better to have a very deep foundation and make it not hug the ground like normal farms, so then these farms will stick out of the side of a hill unlike other farm field. But when placed on flat ground it would be flat like other field.
    2 points
  7. As development is done on multiple OS, there are also multiple IDEs used. On Windows, it's best to use Visual Studio to do the C++ development. Apart from that, IDE choices are pretty much free, and even simple text editors work quite good. I normally use gvim with some adapted settings (like using tabs instead of spaces), and it works well enough for me. About the most used languages. Generally it's C++ and JS. C++ is used for the parts that need to be fast (actual rendering, pathfinding, ...), JS on the other hand offers the possibility to be run without compilation, and thus is ideal to be used for game logic, and to be adapted by mods. The other languages used are mostly because there was an interesting library available that could be used. Like a chat library in python for the lobby, a compilation library with lua, ... These parts generally don't belong to the core game, and could rather easily be replaced by other tools in other languages.
    1 point
  8. I really like the idea, but think it needs a decal. (and variations, but that should be done after everything else)
    1 point
  9. The problematic part of it is however the performance. Such decals require GPU intensive alpha blending IIRC. So they should only be used in rare cases.
    1 point
  10. Edit: ^that one No early barracks, Disapointing! Especially as gauls. So fast and so cheap.
    1 point
  11. Not really, you could just do as starcraft 2 does it. Have it be a dropdown box chat. Private messages could be implemented this way as well. Starcraft Example: http://i.imgur.com/zaiEhpN.png http://i.imgur.com/zhBMB6g.png Edit: i rushed a little practical example of how it would look ingame. http://i.imgur.com/RyFvbkU.png http://i.imgur.com/wjfuno9.png I used ingame art from the lobby and the welcome screen, they slide well together, i must admit. Even if the black they use, isn't the same kind of black.
    1 point
  12. Can be like this: <Auras> <AuraFood> <Type>range</Type> <Radius>60</Radius> <AuraDecal>auras/celts/circle_60.xml</AuraDecal> <Affects>Gatherer</Affects> <Modifications> <ResourceGatherer.Rates.food..grain> <Multiply>1.2</Multiply> </ResourceGatherer.Rates.food..grain> </Modifications> <AuraName>"Rotary Mill" Aura</AuraName> <AuraDescription>Gatherers +20% Food Gather Rate within 60 meters.</AuraDescription> </AuraFood> </Auras>assumes it is in art/actors/decals folder of course. Or done in the <Selectable> element of the etntity with some diplicate of the footprint stuff. Only issue would be to descide if aura decal should only show up when selected, or like with hero star, be 50% see through and then full coloor when selected (best option in my opinion), or show up all the time full color. Or even better, make it option (or maybe this be confuse). EDIT: Changed it from a texture to a decal call.I think would be better to just call a decal than to add a bunch more width, depth, etc.code to this element.
    1 point
  13. As has been stated already, the base game is unlikely to have additional factions added to it now, I personally think we have too many already However that doesn't mean I wouldn't love to see more geographical faction variety added through modding. Kushite-Nubians are a great choice for an African civ, the architectural style is quite distinct and there's a good amount of information available about them online. A number of years ago (before we started on the Mauryan civ) I also looked into the Bantu and Nok civilizations that existed during 0 A.D.'s time period. Unfortunately I couldn't find very much information about them, but the walls of Great Zimbabwe were of particular architectural interest Moving over to the Americas, I was also very interested in the Mayan and Olmec civilizations which would have existed in the time period. One day I hope to see them all in 0 A.D.
    1 point
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