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  1. Alright, here it is: https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/0ad/0ad/pulls/7189 I decided to place the buttons and text outside of the image to keep a constant brightness difference to the background. Quick showcase:
    3 points
  2. There is an option in the civ.json file to not show “minifactions” in gamesetup. I think Hyrule makes use of that.
    2 points
  3. Os: Linux Version: 0.0.27 heres the vid also showing some of what i've been working https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGYAxKprj3s right after the time 0a.d crashes
    2 points
  4. Well it’s not prevented 100% it’s just that there is less time for the unit to travel past the max range and therefore it’s not so egregious. ie overshoot by 0.5 sec isn’t as bad as overshoot by 1.5 sec. For bolts, it’s overshoot by 1 sec versus 6.
    2 points
  5. I've always found the "Random" option for "Map Type" in the Match Setup a bit confusing (it could mean choosing randomly, with or without filtering criteria, among the manually generated maps). I wonder if this could happen to more people and if you would consider another name better. Some names that come to mind: Procedural Map(s) Dynamic Map(s) Scripted Map(s) Algorithmic Map(s) Randomly Generated Map(s) Randomized Map(s) Auto-Generated Map(s) Generative Map(s) Ever-Changing Map(s) Unique Map(s) Infinite Map(s) Unrepeatable Map(s) Unpredictable Map(s) ... (I don't have a clear preference, but maybe Auto-Generated?)
    1 point
  6. also coming: a fix to food gen infinite loop in badosu balanced maps, larger forests in badosu balanced maps, foothills improvements.
    1 point
  7. I think people new to the game don't understand but will figure it out quickly enough. I like "Dyanamic" the best, but why not a tooltip that offers a minimal explanation? Dynamic or Random doesn't really say anything to a new player. Neither does "Skirmish". Having "Skirmish" as a map type is really pointless, imo. A tooltip that offers a minimal explanation would be good, or just having the explanation appended in the right pane where "Map Type: Random/Skirmish" is displayed.
    1 point
  8. Nice cinematics made by a youtuber:
    1 point
  9. Hannibal's trip to Rome would be cool. Perfectly suited for a campaign, we have the civs, and its famous.
    1 point
  10. Hi, @Vantha. Ty so much for this work. How can we contribute to its content?I think some micro/hotkey/setup would be nice to be included In another similar topic, I was wondering if there's a way to load the tricks through some remote server instead of being built-in into the game so we can still adding and modifying its content everytime we want instead of having to wait to the next alpha. Just wondering
    1 point
  11. Interesting to see a first person mod. How are you calling unitmotion ?
    1 point
  12. Do you think it could be optional?
    1 point
  13. Anyways, I think overshooting is a necessary evil to make the game playable. I though we already discussed this @real_tabasco_sauce. If the range check was done prior to the exact time where attack start to repeat, you fixed a great bug! But it's not changing overshooting, witch is also good. (Haven't checked your patch, just making assumptions based on what you write above).
    1 point
  14. Interesting but If attacks aren't interrupted when a unit get out of range, what exactly prevent overshooting?
    1 point
  15. Sometimes you dont get a rating when joining the lobby freshly. If you then start a new game and later disconnect, you wont be able to rejoin the game as a player if the ratings bot is working well, because the game will be expecting a version of you without rating, but you will be joining with rating.
    1 point
  16. Could I ask for or suggest an extension? It would be nice to be able to have multiple images for a tip. For instance, in a tip about Wonders it would be nice to be able to show nice clear images of a bunch of individual wonders rather than packing a bunch of them into one screenshot. In these minor mockup, you see a little 1/2 or 2/2 with arrows to let you cycle through the images for the tip. We wouldn't do this for every tip, but to have that ability would be very nice. Would could allow this by letting us use underscores at the end of the image file name. So, wonders_1.png, wonders_2.png, etc.
    1 point
  17. I'm glad to announce that the Tips and Tricks page will be part of Alpha 27! The pull request has been merged this morning. See commit 1792f0d065.
    1 point
  18. Actually, I removed this line entirely here. It was part of the tip about resource gathering which ended up getting too long for the available space in the GUI. It had to be cut down and this line was not directly related to the topic anyway. That's not to say this information shouldn't be included in the tips. In fact, I believe a separate tip about unit ranks would be quite useful. To my knowledge, players are currently not taught about the game's experience system anywhere. Definitely something to keep in mind for the future.
    1 point
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