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This seems contradictory for me. Walls are useless against soldiers because they can destroy them AND soldiers attacking walls is useless? (I like to use attack move to prevent my troops from attacking structures.) Ranged cav?2 points
Yeah. We should scrub as many pre-Alpha 26 images as possible and push stuff like this: Keeping old stuff around for nostalgia doesn't help promote a modern game. The game itself is also bloated with about 50 maps which are sub par and a bunch of old sub par world assets too. If a tree looks bad, we need to delete it. If a map is bad, delete it. Old textures, delete or update. For nostalgia or access to the older assets, the old alpha releases are always available for archeologists.2 points
I come to suggest that walls should only be attackable by siege, and maybe elephants, but not by soldiers. There are two reasons motivating this proposal: Walls are rarely used in the game, the reason is that the cost/benefit is very low. I just played a game in which I decided to surround my city with walls, to avoid it being simply taken by horses, to discover that my enemy brought (roman) swordsmen, destroyed the wall in less than a minute with the swordsmen and took my city. Not only this is completely unrealistic, but also makes the wall even more useless than I thought... When attacking the iberians, sometimes my own soldiers end up attacking the walls instead of soldiers, which is completely useless. I think that removing the possibility of walls being attacked by anything but siege may improve things.1 point
I manged to resize all required models. but now the attachment point "head" is located in the stomach.1 point
Oops, maybe I have chosen the wrong words - I tried to say that walls are meant to protect those hiding inside from attacking units, including ranged units to some extent. Walls might thus have an effect to the damage range that a ranged unit can achieve from either side (and protect from sword or spear units).1 point
@Dizaka I do agree with your statements - the only thing I am however missing is a "protection factor" that walls have for those hiding behind them, i.e. effect of ranged attacks should be reduced (except for catapults etc.). Hence I believe units should attack a wall first before attacking those hiding behind. Not sure this is easy to implement. I would be interested to know how often walls are actually manned in your games. Is it worth the effort? Just curious...1 point
I think one contributor is the project's appearance or presentation to the public. This is the main image on the Wikipedia page, so its what search engines show as a small thumbnail. not flattering. You can update that to a more recent image with lighting and color balance better suited to thumbnails. Section one and two of the user manual carry on without explaining how a traditional RTS works and present video from 2012. Even to me that feels like "oh boy, here we go. 2012? is this even current and correct?" As someone who has watched this develop for 13 years with great interest but cant get into it myself, it looks like an overly technical RTS made by history übernerds who haven't updated their knowledge of game user interfaces since Command and Conquer was cool. It looks out of date, whether it is or not. On 4k displays the 0 A.D. homepage is like a stripe down the middle of the screen with a vast expanse of tiling background. I feel like I'm hitting a homepage for abandoned software left up for historical purposes. The play experience in the early days was a lot of 'not implemented yet' and glitchy things, and when I came back many years later, it was still the same. I cant get a new player into it if its not functional and well documented (in a way a noob groks.) I think it's only inviting to old heads like us that remember when games were played on boards made from dead tree flesh, colored with crushed insect shells and tailings from mineral mines. We're patient, we remember playing StarCraft for 20 years, but these days the market is done with a game in 6 months and pushing the Steam Store's next new thing. How does a game like 0 A.D. attract players or even get taken seriously in today's environment? As an outsider, I think redouble your efforts to make the thing look as polished as it is, take some glam shots of battle elephants under a sky blackened by arrows or something. Make a version of the docs that an RTS noob can understand cuz this is a niche genre today. Make the web site look less 90s... and that UI sucks, it looks like something out of an OpenGL programming manual, not a carefully thought out and organized system for commanding armies. I dunno, direct hate mail to /dev/null idgaf but I don't wanna see this thing die just because ppl didn't deburr the edges and developed in a vacuum.1 point
farabundo, thank you for finally saying something positive about me and my actions. I didn't notice you acting negatively toward user1, and he did not even suggest that he was working on the issue of DDoS mitigation. It kind of feels like you're punishing the kind of person who is more likely to do what you are hoping for. Software development and evidence collection is necessary to (attempt to) mitigate the DDoS problem with 0 A.D. You have stated multiple times that you will not help, and you will not even put a tiny amount of effort into collecting evidence by installing Wireshark. You haven't paid money for 0 A.D, to my knowledge. Think about it. Do you have the right to act entitled in this situation? I think that you don't know how free (as in freedom) software projects are supported. It's not magic slave labor. You seem to have the attitude that "free labor means you can use as much as you want". "The Hard Parts of Open Source" by Evan Czaplicki Check out this video to learn how to interact with free software developers in a constructive way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_4EX4dPppA Free Software Life This is a satirical video about a starving free software developer. It helps explain why people who contribute nothing yet make demands are out of line. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAmqPG_AAV4 The bottom line is that you should have no expectations whatsoever about results or timing thereof if you're not involved in the work to accomplish the tasks.1 point
Hey Stan, Please don't feel bad for quitting your 0 A.D. posts. Health and a fulfilling life go first, and I'm sure that everyone here knows that you have thoroughly thought about it before making your decision. Your work, care, and constructive attitude have had without doubt a huge impact on the development of the game and its community, and have made 0. A.D what it is today: Objectively one of the greatest open source games in the world. It can even compete with the best commercial games in the market which is - given the fact that this is all made by volunteers - not a matter of course at all. Thinking about the huge part that you had in it, what you did is outstanding and you can be more than proud of it! It is only natural that the colossal effort you put into 0 A.D. would at some point wear you down. So don't think about your retirement as a weakness but instead be amazed at how long you kept up. It's also a wise decision to make a clean cut as it's easy to get sucked back into old habits and wrongfully getting the feeling that one was supposed to deliver. Once you have established a healthy mental distance, feel free to drop in for some games or good company without any pressure! I wish you all the best and am sure that you'll find your energy again to have an amazing future :)1 point
After years of Torrent-seeding 0AD, I've checked the 0AD site again and noticed the news. I've registered here to thank you @Stan` for all your time and heart spent working on 0AD and give you remote support and a hug! Thank you! If the project/community will need a new system administrator, please PM me. I and my ~9 years of SysOp/Linux experience will do my best to help the project!1 point
Definitely was the answer I needed and now I got swimming stuff to work, thank you for pointing me to him! https://www.moddb.com/mods/hyrule-conquest/videos/they-swim-now1 point
It was probably obvious that I've not been around there parts in awhile, and thanks to people posting news here in my absence... probably obvious that Hyrule Conquest sort of fizzled out and more or less was stopped. After taking a break for a few months I'm considering making an effort to try and continue sometime in the next few weeks. In addition to the reasons mentioned in other posts (Burn out and fatigue, being dragged away by Star Fox Event Horizon), there have been other reasons that contributed to Hyrule Conquest fizzling out over the last several years: namely that I've not had any person skilled in creating components dedicate the time needed to finish the remaining features of this mod. While Exodarion and Askarus have done wonders in the past, both have more or less moved on to other ventures and I've been left with massive missing features that were planned still waiting to be done. If anyone here has the skill to implement any of the following features, please do not hesitate to contact me: - Multiple unit types in a single Battalion: I suspect this is probably not too difficult, but at the moment our Battalion system can only include one type of unit per battalion. We need to be able to have multiple unit types in a single battalion for things like banner carriers, healers, and captains. In addition, I'd really like the ability to manually train things like Banner Carriers and Captains that appear with the battalion rather than from another building. Alternative, being able to "attach" something like a captain to a selected Battalion would work. - Replenishing Battalions: I would like to implement a feature where Battalions slowly replenish lost troops under certain specified conditions in their templates (Anytime, Within Territory, etc) - Enable Swimming Animations: A feature I have long requested since as far back as 2017, units being able to automatically switch to a set of swimming animations when they move from land into water. I have numerous units that at the moment just walk on or underwater instead of properly swimming as they should. It looks terrible and after over a half a decade I'd love to finally have this feature implemented. I imagine they'd just need some kind of "swimming" variation for the normal animation sets, something like "swim_run, swim_walk, swim_attack_melee, swim_attack_ranged" etc. - Glow Shader: Another feature I have been practically begging for since as far back as 2017. I have seen various implementations of this in screenshots but it has to this day never been released. There are many ghostly units and creatures known for their glow effects that are missing them and they look terrible in the game at the moment. - MP4 Support: A very low priority feature but one I would still be interested in. There are a variety of pre rendered cinematics I have made for the game and there is currently no way to play such videos during the game itself. We had worked on a very sloppy alternate solution, where a youtube video just pops up in the middle of gameplay but obviously this is extremely unprofessional and looks bad. Honestly any video format would probably be nice, just MP4 seems really common and takes up little space and has been easily implemented into other open source engines I currently use. - Someone that can fix everything 0AD updates break: By far one of the biggest hurdles Hyrule Conquest has faced over the last several years and has contributed to killing motivation is nearly every feature we've added breaking with a new version release of 0AD and setting us back in time for months, sometime almost a year. Someone who can help with this in the future would be fantastic. If I cannot get these features implemented then I'm sad to say that Hyrule Conquest will never be completed, at least not to the objectives that it was trying to achieve since I started in 2017.1 point
I am certainly one of the 10 oldest accounts in the lobby. When I first started playing, I only had 2 players to play, scythewirley and wesono, maybe on a good day, 5-6 players simultaneously in the lobby, with a lot of luck we managed to create a 2x2 game, and either way I still had fun. I saw all the good, average and bad players go through 0 a.d. I made many friends, really many hours of fun, in my case thousands. Most are gone, new ones have come, it's a cycle of life that also applies to our beloved game. As long as there are people as passionate about this game as I am, 0a.d will live on.1 point
I've been playing the game recently and have some suggestions. First, could the game's unit encyclopedia be expanded to include historical information. I want to know the history behind every single civilization unit and hero. I love the hole women citizen/ citizen gather mechanics, however I have a few problems with how it works in the current version. First, I noticed the female citizens are in the support category, but their support effect was removed. Should that be changed? Second, while female citizens are useful in early game, they are pretty much useless once you get to age three. By then you have enough men to chop wood and mine and all the fruit bushes are gone, and the farms aren't really efficient. I just use the coral and horsemen. If I get attacked, the women all die (they aren't that durable) and my economy is stopped. It is almost more efficient to kill them all, so I can train soldiers. A solution to this (I think) would give the female citizens a late game form of resource gathering. I know that in Hellenistic period Greek and other Hellenistic societies the women mostly stayed home.(But not always) At the home I have read that the women sometimes wove cloth for people to sell. Maybe in the third age there should be a house upgrade that if you garrison the female citizens in the houses, they give a small trickle of metal. Garrisoning the women would also protect them from being slaughtered. So another issue I had is very easy and easy are too easy for me, but in medium I get slaughtered. I don't think it's a skill thing because I've played Age of Empires III Battle For Middle Earth and Empire at War and not had that much of a problem. But before I can even start building soldiers to defend myself, the AI comes in with 40 + soldiers. I know AI in games is tricky, and it might be hard how to iron the kinks out, but I have a suggestion. Could you change the resource gathering upgrades at the store house's resources? Not how many resources, but what resources I have to use. Because if I am playing and need wood I would naturally want to get the wood upgrade, but I can't because it costs even more wood which I'm going to need for everything else (because everything except female citizens cost wood in the beginning) I remember in age of empires II realizing that in order to upgrade a resource income you had to use the other two resource and thinking how smart it was gameplay sense. Also, it doesn't seem right that the stone and ore upgrades cost the same resources. Do you think it'd be possible to change the upgrade types to Axes: Metal and Meat, Stone: Wood and Ore, Ore: Wood and Stone? The baskets are fine, but if the others were changed it'd help me be able to get wood quicker early game, which will help me be able to get more men before I get attacked. It also balances out the fact that two upgrades require stone and metal, which doesn't seem well-balanced. One last feature request, could you add horse trampling? I loved in Battle For Middle Earth, being able to run orcs over with my horsemen. Trampling is something Calvary did in real life. Units could have trampling and trampling resistance, and you could integrate it with formations so that wedge formations does more "trample effect" than other formations.1 point
1 point
Visual/Graphics/Audio: burn some buildings or add smoke when life is low (40%). i've already uploaded to phabricator my patch for combat stance and thats something that can be appreciated on Ancestors, you see the infantry walking as usual, but when attacking they charge more than programming speaking about the damage the visual impact is often better, looking a battle while every infantry is walking happy and relaxed breaks all the sensationship of a huge battle. Add all visible garrison points for every fortress, this could reduce the attack advantage of the garrisoned fortress if they can kill the archers. better bow sound, better sound for arrow impact (can be achieved with home tools?) screamings while attacking Mix swords swing audios with random battle screams according to gender. Gameplay: Injuries, diseases with random %. Units no longer berserk the danger fauna all opposite, the dangerous fauna attack the Units and always chase, never walk. Add a button similar to Dawn of War on the GUI to hide it, hotkeys shouldn't be the only access to some functions.1 point