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  1. Currently re-using the Western European art assets for placeholders, I have just committed the partially complete faction over at the repository https://github.com/0ADMods/xiiiad
    2 points
  2. Hello everyone. I hope you're having a fine day. I have a simple question to begin with. Is anyone interested in helping to moderate the lobby chat? If we have enough lobby helpers maybe we can actually have someone available 24/7.
    1 point
  3. Hello there! In anticipation of my (also Mediterranean) vacation in Italy I want to publish the last map I mainly built in November to December 2021. As new Aegean textures came out in Alpha 25 the summer a year ago I tried to make some map out of them (I can remember @wowgetoffyourcellphone of wishing my Map "Metropolis" having used the new terrains ). After my maps "The Legend of Avilava" and "Metropolis" (both scenarios) I decided to resort to the Skirmish type of map giving the player more individuality by choosing their own civ. Thus, there are no starting structures / little cities besides the original headquaters each player beginns with. Maybe I'm too generous in the assumption everyone playing 0ad has a proper gaming PC. I just like these huge maps (even beyond "giant" would be great) with gigantic battles and stuff, hence I've decided it's scale being "giant". The map generally is arranged to have a 4 vs 4 setting. Each player starts near his own team; far from enemy players. Relatively the same amount of starting resources near the headquaters accompany each player; every team should have land more or less equally distributed to gain resources from, to build and / or to expand on. Having let some simulations with bots go their way, I've had a lot of fun watching them. Through this I've been able to correct some little flaws and some features that would hinder the game's fluency. It's likely this map isn't perfect or "fine" anyway (others have to say so), thus I imagine that I'll maybe make some further versions. And if others like to do so, you're granted permission to of course. You guys feel free to use this map in which way you want, it's yours! But I think now it's time to show you some screenshots to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about. Best to show you the type of Mediterranean landscape that I love so much (regarding this I sadly live in Austria :D) and which I hope I've been able to properly reconstruct here: Also a look onto the starting positions of each player (screenshot follows player number): (Team 1: Player 1 - Player 4; Team 2: Player 5 - Player 8) Looking back, I'm happy enough with what came out of my conception of a Mediterranean "holyday-like" map. It's too good I'm now starting with feeling it all myself in my vacation in Italy! As for you guys, as I said - The map is all yours. Thank the 0ad programmers for having made this aweseome game and featuring the forum to have the gamers able to communicate and exchange with each other - and to publish self made maps! Cya soon, this Saturday I'm out in Italy now yooooo! Aegean Archipelago.xmlAegean Archipelago.pmp Edit on 13.8.2022: The edited versions should be preferred I hope there are no problems with downloading them? Aegean Archipelago First Edit.pmpAegean Archipelago First Edit.xml (When a number in front of the map file's name occur, you have to delete this part of the file name. For example, after downloading, you may get the files with a certain number, like: "678349583_AegeanArchipelagoFirstEdit.pmp" and "678349583_AegeanArchipelagoFirstEdit.xml" - you have to delete "678349583_" of the file names to be able to play on the map)
    1 point
  4. Hi, I'm always bothered with delayed searches on this forum. After a regular quick search, I often need to switch to the advanced search and add a detail for accurate results. I've been asked to wait 5 seconds before searching again and I've been waiting for 10 seconds before clicking on "search". The result : wait for much longer before searching again ! So I gave up with this really boring feature that looks useless...
    1 point
  5. commands.txtmetadata.json @user1 trainmove180 just left
    1 point
  6. Just keep in mind things need to be deterministic across players
    1 point
  7. I figured I would assemble some of the more popular/ more discussed ideas here and in suggestions for 0ad. Naval overhaul, including but not limited to: scale down all ships differentiate ships into different classes (transport, scout, warship, siege, special (e.g. fireship)) decrease dock build time debate adding turret points for garrison Unit specific upgrades: 0, 1 (town phase), or 2 (city phase) unit specific upgrades, see @BreakfastBurrito_007 post for examples. available in barracks/stable, each unit type gets 2 upgrades, but civs vary in which/how many they have access to. make siege towers a capture unit, with arrows a secondary feature. additional statistic: "effectiveness ratio" = value of enemy units, buildings killed/ resources spent spec flare (only for specs, and options to disable/mute) differentiate chariots, cataphract units. Hyrcanian cav buff (2 options: stat increase and raiding unit) https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4683 and https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4674 respectively elephant archers increase rate of fire with each promotion, more XP to promote. walls changes: palisade resistance to cavalry damage wall gate HP decrease, add a row of garrison space, doubling garrison points to 16. make walls easier to place, perhaps destroying trees upon wall completion. possibly a "fortified wall" upgrade available to some civs CC cost/territory gain changes: less territory gained in each phase, decrease CC cost slightly less colony territory raise all attack repeat times for performance, damage adjusted accordingly. starting metal and stone: not so close to CC positioned separately on some random angle from CC with fixed radius perhaps decrease to 3000, using 3 1000 res "clumps" of each metal and stone.
    1 point
  8. I tried it with duckduckgo.com (because I don't like gogle) to see how that would work and made a shocking discovery:
    1 point
  9. Don't forget to read the modding documentation. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/#Formodders: Stay safe too 28 degrees in my flat right now.
    1 point
  10. Are there any plans for animals to escape by flying away? It would be great to see ground units firing at air targets. You even seem to have a map of Ngorongoro.
    1 point
  11. -Acabo de ajustar la textura del Gamo (ciervo moteado); Comparación; 1.Antes; 2.Ahora; referencia; Alargué el rostro. Puse más claras las patas y el vientre. Coloreé las orejas . Recoloqué los cuernos. Catálogo de fauna lusitana; Bisonte europeo. Uro (antiguo toro salvaje). Oso y oseznos. Sorraia (caballo salvaje lusitano). Ciervo rojo . Gamo. Corzo. Lince ibérico. Tejón . Nutria. Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  12. Buenos días o tardes; -No le entendí @LordStark, pero estos son los animales que , de momento , tengo casi acabados (algún desajuste con las texturas solo); 1-Camello bactriano; (Junto al Dromedario arábigo) referencias; 2-"Guanaco" ( junto a comerciante Mochica) referencias ; -3 Bisontes europeos; (los machos tienen barba y las hembras ubres) (En peligro extremo de extinción) referencia; 4-Ciervo rojo (ciervo común europeo); (los machos tienen cornamenta) referencia; 5-Corzo; (los machos tienen cornamenta) referencia; 6-Gamo; (los machos tienen cornamenta) referencia; 7-lince "ibérico"; (no conseguí crear una textura para el lince ) (En peligro extremo de extinción) referencia; 8-Nutrias europeas; referencia; 9-oso y oseznos 10-"Sorraia";(caballo salvaje lusitano); referencia; (Tiene el cabello de la Crin y la cola Bicroma o de dos colores o color "Bayo") (tamaño más pequeño que otros caballos europeos) (orejas grandes) (ligeras marcas de Cebra en las patas) 11-tejones europeos referencia; 12-uros; (toro salvaje euroasiático) (Extinguido) referencia; -Primero terminaré la fauna lusitana y después me pondré con la fauna Mesoamericana , concretamente la de el "Mundo Maya". Para la fauna lusitana aún me quedan crear Liebres , Zebros , Ánades y poco más .Añadido a los ya existentes Lobos , conejos , zorros , cabras y jabalíes (que no necesitan remodelarse) , tendríamos toda la fauna característica de Lusitania y parte del resto de la Península Ibérica e incluso , del Magreb. Casi 20 animales diferentes . -Los mapas del último alfa se ven muy bien , pero en muchos mapas hay poca diversidad de fauna y por eso intento aportar algunos modelos. -¿Qué opinan? @Lopess @Stan`@Lion.Kanzen @Ultimate Aurelian @wowgetoffyourcellphone @soloooy0 @Genava55 Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  13. I like the new update. I have recently started playing the Age of Mythology game and I love it so far. I found this website mistakenly because I want to know does edubirdie work for college student because writing an essay assignment is a big headache for me and that is why I prefer to take help from online essay writers. When I was searching for it online, I found the Age of Mythology game and I like the advertising of that game. So, I started playing it and I fall in love with this game.
    1 point
  14. Can we start sharing weights? Whats the difference between some categories (value/umber)? I had to filter players with 5+ games to avoid some randos but this is still not right.
    1 point
  15. Buenos días o tardes; -Muchas gracias por la sugerencia , @Lopess es con quien colaboro más y él ya notó ese detalle , y en el Mod (que recomiendo que usted juegue), él ya resolvió la saturación "viva" del rojo. -Si usted @Manimaljuega el Mod/beta de los mayas , no dude luego en comentar críticas , sugerencias , aportaciones, ausencias de algo, etc.... Disculpa las molestias*
    1 point
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