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  1. The primary building material in ancient and classical China was wood; walls could be covered by clay, earth, loam, plaster, etc. These are not the most durable materials, therefore very little has survived to the present day. (A similar problem exists elsewhere in the world, e.g. Etruscans or the Roman Republic, but that discussion belongs elsewhere.) Rooftiles were used too, at least in urban areas (though I highly doubt they're all of the shiny blue glazed variety 0 A.D.'s Han China mod structures currently have). Stone appears to be mostly used for sculpture. What has survived from the Han period are hundreds of tombs near the capital, some very well-preserved, including, amongst other things, texts (yay!), paintings, and terracotta miniature models of buildings. Some examples: well: pottery: stove: kitchen: rice paddy: goat/sheep pens: pig sties/toilets: mill (and bakery?): granaries: houses: towers: fort: manor/palace: Note the bilateral symmetry (i.e. left mirrors the right). (All images are from Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Ceramics_of_the_Han_Dynasty_-_Models_of_buildings )
    2 points
  2. Buenas ; -Creo que la facción tracia podría ser la excepción a la regla de que los edificios no cambian en cada fase , ya que hay muchas referencias diferentes para los tracios y al mismo tiempo el intento de introducir a los Odrisios que eran tracios pero con una arquitectura diferente me hace pensar que para ellos si podría ser posible esta cualidad. También podría ser una Bonificación de facción , que en cada fase los edificios fueran un poco más duros ya que los elementos de construcción son más resistentes pero también un poco más caros. Edificios para la "Fase 1" de 3 fases; (Las estructuras también podrían cambiar de formas al cambiar de fase no solo lo harían las texturas) -Almacén ; -Casas; -Centro urbano; -Corral; -Cuartel; -Granja; -Murallas; -Puerto; Torre defensiva pequeña; -Aldea; (No añadí decoraciones porque eso lleva más tiempo y quería presentar mi idea lo antes posible y si es descartada pues no perdería el tiempo con algo que no va a hacerse realidad y si es aceptada los incluiré) Referencias; -(esta última es la referencia para los colores) Disculpen las molestias*
    2 points
  3. Yet another update: added Macedonia 23 - Zopyrion's Campaign Zopyrion was made a governor of Thrace by Alexander the Great. In 331 BC, he led an invasion of Scythian lands, "thinking that, if he did not attempt something, he should be stigmatized as indolent". He collected a force of thirty thousand men, marched along the Black Sea coast and besieged Olbia, a colony of Miletus (which was taken by Alexander in 334 BC). You have been put in charge of our reserves with the main goal of procuring supplies for our main force. What could possibly go wrong?
    2 points
  4. As a minor point in how I would change the name of one of the abilities of Themistocles, I would have Naval Architect be replaced by "Wooden Walls," a reference to the supposed Oracle of Delphi. In the case of the Piraeus Fortifications, it seems a bit odd to increase the hitpoints. Themistocles was famous for stopping Sparta from halting construction of the Athenian walls, a point in which speed was key. If anything, I would increase the speed of construction.
    1 point
  5. Kushite hero selection implemented:
    1 point
  6. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=669806113840562 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=164590458264388 @Stan` Facebook post cannot be embedded now?
    1 point
  7. I've been thinking that it's been long since I uploaded a nice team replay. Today we played with my favorite player @SarahT and then this guy indio1515, whom I happen to remember from about five years ago when I was quite new to 0 A.D (five years newer anyway). I only saw him once or twice since then, and he didn't seem to forget how to play, so that makes the replay worth uploading. Let's not spoil more, here is your replay. Best served uncompressed and interpreted by the 0 A.D. program, but who am I to tell you what to do? This is a free game, so do as you like! Enjoy (if that's part of what you like, that is). 2020-11-17_Winter-Frontier.zip
    1 point
  8. Lancer can defeat infantry and light cavalry except anti cavalry like pikemen. But im talking about heavy champion lancer. The Hetaroi or Companion cavalry and all Hellenistic lancers share this shock function or role. In AoE series AoK and AoM. Is anti infantry unit. Lancer in mostly of cases is anti infantry because. Their weapons. Lance (Kontos, Xysthon) alternate weapons (sword, mace or bow) Their armor. Full, partial. Shock cavalry, the hammer and anvil tactic.
    1 point
  9. Sad times . @Dizaka and I uninstalled and gave up It was such a great game.
    0 points
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