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What is AutoCiv This mod is an aggregation of features meant to enhance the 0 A.D. game experience. I usually implement these extra features as they come up with no general plan in mind. Download (how to install section below) autociv.pyromod autociv.zip Feature list General Readme: press Shift + F4 to open Player mute Player reminder (show a written note when a certain player joins) *** Link opener (opens URL links from the chat) Help command: type /help to see all available commands Console with autocomplete (Ctrl + C + L) Lobby Resize bars Host name mark Remember playerlist state Better performance when reloading lobby Shortcuts to create host, navigate gamelist Game setup Auto-assign civilization with chat (only works if host has the mod) Custom population limit Custom starting resources Custom map size Countdown to start the game Maps Skirmish Volcano island (8) In Game Hotkeys for (see hotkeys with hotkey viewer) Buildings placement Multiple buildings per hotkey (optional, user.cfg) How to use: Copy the hotkey you want and remove the "hotkey." prefix, next replace the hotkey key for the buildings you want to cycle and separate them by a space. Buildings selection Units selection Formations (selected units) Stances (selected units) Auto-train (selected buildings) Minimap expand Custom selection filters by: health rank class group Pause game overlay now shows only in the top area Stats overlay Settings Max corpses visible Download options Download and install from one of the two files from the start of this same page. Download and install manually the github repository (instalation file on the releases section) https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv Use 0 A.D. mod downloader (not always newest version) https://0ad.mod.io/autociv Instructions to install MacOS (thanks @HMS-Surprise) Linux/Windows: Open the downloaded file with (both ways should work): pyromod file: Double click the file (should autoinstall the mod for you and send you to the mods page inside 0ad) Right click → Open with → 0 A.D (or pyrogenesis.exe) ** NOTICE: in Alpha 25 the pyromod installation will trigger an error message: to fix just disable autociv, restart the game and enable autociv again. zip file: Copy folder inside the zip file into your mods folder Mod compatibility(s) The mod is compatible with: 0 A.D 0.0.27 Probable to work alongside other community mods as balanced maps spec mod (monitor) custom_rating boonGUI Should work with all mods that don't have extensive code changes. More stuff & goodies For more info just read the whole thread where I post new features. Questions & feedback You don't understand how it works? Feeling confused? Just wanna comment? Ask and post. Source code public repository https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv1 point
So, DE has a feature called Groves, which are collections of trees which are 1 large selectable and gatherable object. There's a few interesting things you can do with this, like make an "underbrush" aura which makes units move slower through them, have less accuracy while shooting in them, etc. Also, as one selectable object you have fewer things to keep track of and also conceptually they make sense in that forests were valuable sources of resources, not just individual trees. There are still individual trees (stragglers), but they aren't the sole source or primary source of wood, the groves are your primary source of wood. Now, also in DE you can build Storehouses and Farmsteads outside your territory. This creates a soft concept of "weak countryside; strong city", where a lot of raiding happens outside of the home territories of the players. But instead of suggesting EA adopt DE's features, I've come up with something specifically unique that the core game could adopt. It takes the DE concepts and pushes them forward a bit. So, imagine the map has these Forests and Farmland areas. Forests would be a collection of large wood-bearing objects similar to DE's groves with a Gaia Lumber Camp nearby, while Farmlands would be large open areas of furrowed land terrain with a Gaia Farmstead nearby or centralized to it. The basic game still doesn't let you build Storehouses or Farmsteads (I would rename the player-built object to Granary to distinguish) outside your territory, but it does let you capture these Lumber Camps and Farmsteads which are outside your territory. (the overall concept is similar to the capturing Stone Quarries and Metal Mines idea, which are resource bearing objects outside your home territory). So, instead of the old "slotting" concept, you just capture these Lumber Camps and Farmsteads which are already there. Forests become "renewable" sources of wood (it regenerates wood over time if not reduced to 0), but slower to gather than individual straggler trees (which don't renew) that you find inside your home territory. You can still build farms in your home territory, but those on the Farmlands are much more productive. Lumber Camp mockup: Capture the Lumber Camp dropsite (Yellow) and now you can gather wood outside your territory. Forests are made up of Groves (Red-cartouche footprint; Blue-circle footprint) and can be depleted, but they regenerate wood over time, faster if left alone. Groves have other attributes, such as they can be "garrisoned" by some civs' soldiers for an ambush effect, and they also have auras that cause units to have lower vision and movement speeds within their footprints. Straggler Trees (Green) are gatherable, but do not regenerate and can be built over by player structures (the tree disappears).1 point
Importantes líderes del Imperio Parto (Para la "IA"); Nombre Fecha Original(enpahlavi) 1. (Arsaces I ) (247 BC -217 BC) (Aršak) 2. (Tiridates I ) (246 BC-217 BC ) (Tīridāt) 3. (Phraates I ) (176 BC -171 BC) (Frahāt) 4. (Mithridates I )"the Great" (171 BC -132 BC) (Mihrdāt) 5. (Artabanus I) (127 BC -124 BC) (Ardawān) 6. ( Gotarzes I ) (91 BC-87/80 BC) (Gōdarz) 7. (Orodes I ) (80 BC-75 BC) (Wērōd) 8. (Surena )"General" (84 BC - 52 BC) (Rustaham Sūrēn) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Parthian_kings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiridates_I_of_Parthia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surena https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surena1 point
Estructuras ; Edificios comunes (15); 1.Centro cívico;------------------(šahryān ābag )-/Literalmente "La casa del governador"/ 2.casas;----------------------------(Kadag) 3.Almacén;------------------------(Hamābēr) 4.Alquería;------------------------(āsyab)-/Literalmente es un "Molino de agua con noria"/ 5.Corral;---------------------------(Pahast )-/Literalmente es un "Aprisco"/ 6.Torre de defensa ;-------------(Burg ) 7.Cuartel;-------------------------(Zay ābag)-/Literalmente "Casa de las armas"/ 8.Herrería;------------------------(āhangar ābag)-/Literalmente "Casa del Herrero"/ 9.Templo;-------------------------(Hēbedestān) 10.Muralla;-----------------------(Dēwār) 11.Huerto;------------------------(ābādanīh) 12.Mercado;----------------------(wāzār) 13.Puerto;------------------------(Kaštig ābag)-/Literalmente " Casa de Navíos"/ 14.Fortaleza;---------------------(Drubušt ) 15.Torreta de defensa;---------(Gišnag burg) Edificios especiales (5) 1.Maravilla ;/palacio de Ctesifonte/;-----------------------( Tisifōn darbās) 2.Mercado ruta de la seda;-----------------------------------(Caravasar ) 3.Embajada;----------------------------------------------------(Bayaspānīh) 4.Establos;------------------------------------------------------(āxwarr) 5.Palacio;--------------------------------------------------------(Darbās) fuente; http://www.rabbinics.org/pahlavi/MacKenzie-PahlDict.pdf1 point
Buenas ;Les traigo vocabulario ;(idioma arsácida) (tiene varios fallos , pero espero que sirva como base orientativa) Unidades ;(28) Infantería ;(4) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles") 1.Lancero;-------------------------------------------------(Nizagan-î Eranshahr) 2.Arquero;-------------------------------------------------(Shivatîr-î Dêhbêd) 3.Hondero;------------------------------------------------(Shûbân-î Fradâkhshânâ) 4.Escaramuzador con hacha;----------------------------(Kôfyârên-î Verkhânâ) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles "y "centro urbano") 1.Lancero;-------------------------------------------------(Nizagan-î Eranshahr) 2.Arquero;-------------------------------------------------(Shivatîr-î Dêhbêd) Infantería de élite (mercenaria) ;(2) (Reclutados en ;"Embajada ") 1.Tureóforo griego ;-------------------------------------(Parthohellenikoi Thureophoroi) 2.Infanteria romana;------------------------------------(Nizagan-î āyīg ) Caballería;(4) (Reclutados en ;" establos") 1.Caballería ligera (con hacha , espada...);----------(Asabaran-î Pahlavânîg) 2.Arquero a caballo;------------------------------------(Shivatîr-î Pahlavânîg) 3.Escaramuzador a caballo;----------------------------(Asabaran-î Hauravatish) 4.Dromedario arquero;---------------------------------(Uštaran-e Shivatîr ) (Reclutados en ;" establos"y "centro urbano") 1.Caballería ligera (con hacha , espada...);-----------(Asabaran-î Pahlavânîg) Caballería de élite;(4) (Reclutados en ;"fortaleza ") 1.Catafracto (con lanza);--------------------------------(Pahlavân-î Grivpanvâr) 2.Arquero catafracto ;-----------------------------------(Shivatîr-î Zrêhbârân ) 3.Dromedario catafracto con lanza;-------------------(Uštaran-e Zrêhbârân) 4.Comandante catafracto;------------------------------(Pushtîghbânê Shâhigân-î Pahlavânîg) Caballería mercenaria (no de élite);(2) (Reclutados en ;"Embajada ") 1.Caballería persa ligera (con lanza);----------------------------(Asbaran-î pārsīg ) 2.Caballería árbe ligera (con espada , hacha...);---------------( Asbaran-î Tāzīg ) Civiles;(4) (Reclutados en ;" centro urbano") 1. Mujer;-----------------------------------------------------------(Bānūg ) (Reclutados en ;"Mercado ") 2. Comerciante;---------------------------------------------------(Wāzāragān ) (Reclutados en ;"Templo ") 3. Sacerdote;------------------------------------------------------( āsrôn) (Reclutados en ;" Centro urbano") 4.Dromedario logístico(como el elefante Maurya);---------(Uštaran-e peškār ) Armas de asedio;(1) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza") 1.Ariete;-----------------------------------------------------------(warzān) Arma de asedio (mercenaria);(1) (Reclutados en ;"embajada ") 1.Elefante maurya (indio) ;-------------------------------------(Pīlban hindūg ) Navíos ;(3) (Reclutados en ;" Puerto") 1.Balsa pesquera;----------------------------------------------(Makôg ) 2.Navío mercante;---------------------------------------------(Kaštig-īh) 3.Navío militar ;------------------------------------------------(Kaštig ardīkkar ) Héroes ;(3) (Reclutados en ;"Palacio") 1."Mitrídates" primero de Partia ;------------------(Mihrdāt) 2."Tirídates" primero de Partia ;---------------------(Tīridāt) 3."Arsaces" primero de Partia ;----------------------(Aršak)1 point
Finally, after a lot of editing, my first 0AD Tutorial is done Won't probably apply to most of the very skilled players on this forum, but a few newer players have already advised they've found it useful, so I think it's kind of justified itself already. I'm happy1 point
You must run ./update-workspaces.sh without adding any option. Using the system spidermonkey or nvtt will not work.1 point
I like the original DE concept better, farmstead and storehouses outside of territory does not seem bad. Having territory allows you to protect it better, so it's still encouraged for taking map control. At the same time allows for players using heavy mineral dependent civilizations to not be too far behind if the map gen is not generous, encourages players to constantly scout or make outposts on resource dense spots which is a plus in my opinion. Capturing a stray farmstead or storehouse could make some sense but it feel out of place in my opinion. Farmlands + forests would be awesome1 point
@gameboy You must first discover how to build the game on Linux. You must use the Terminal (see https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/command-line-for-beginners) When you understand how the Terminal works, you can follow the instructions on Trac to build the game a first time: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions#Linux If and only if everything works, you can run the packaging script in the terminal: cd source/tools/dist/ ./build.sh The last step should fail because nsisbi is needed instead of makensis. You should then copy the export-win32 folder to Windows and then use nsisbi. If you figure out how to use nsisbi on Linux, you can send a patch; else we'll patch the script for the next release, but probably not before.1 point
Will a refined mod dependency check be included in A24 to compensate for this? If using balanced-maps requires enabling/disabling all the time just to play vanilla/bal-maps it will practically kill the mod. As an example I would imagine community-maps to be way more popular if they had the 'hide mod' hack implemented, since there are many high quality maps there and quite enjoyable ones at that. I don't mind letting the user know which mods players are using, as long as: 1. All can see, not only host 2. A refined dependency check is added that allows for mods to be shown while not 'greyeing-out' vanilla games. With regard to mods adding features that might be considered hacks: In my opinion any RTS should strive to have as much quality-of-life features implemented while not keeping the game in auto pilot as possible. The idea is to focus players on finding out what their opponent is doing, implement counter strategies, get good trades with superior tactics, be greedy when there's an opening for superior economy, take map control; basically the fundamentals of RTS and what actually makes games interesting. Even though it's inevitable part of this kind of game for players with enough attention control to be able to always be training units have an edge, this should not be decider of games. As well as other attention grabbing actions, like the assign-to-heal feature of autociv (another possible 'cheat' according to some). I don't use both features and I don't condone using those, but I understand the arguments of those who do so. A mod that offers such features should be praised in my opinion, nevertheless I agree any such discrepancies should be highlighted in-game in the spirit of fair play or competitiveness. The points I numbered above detail what I think in practice fix the issue. Another interesting possibility of showing the mods (and ideally offering an option to require mods, when they don't change simulation) is to require anti-cheat/exploit mods. Some of those mentioned before but to recap: 1. Wall/ram/catapults stacking 2. Hill ungarrison abuse 3. Patrol dancing 4. Gaia resource drain 5. Market floating point res gen 6. Some other I forgot1 point
Hi @nani, looks like the last version released on mod.io is 0.14.0-2. Where can 0.17.1 be downloaded from? .. Nevermind, I see it on the first post in this thread.1 point
@karin_ashx Vs @SuperSpartacus karin_ashx quitted without resigning. Thanks commands.txt metadata.json1 point
1 point
version 0.17.1 Add: Minimap flare. Press Alt + Mouse right click on top of the minimap to send a flare signal to allies*. Only one flare can be shown at a time. Observers cant send them. * Will only be visible to people who also have the mod1 point