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  1. 5 heroes works just fine (1080p resolution). So, we can design 3-5 heroes for every civ.
    4 points
  2. defeat, when the local player loses. defeat.ogg and mercenary camp v3 Mercenary3.ogg efeat v2.and one player has been defeated defeat. are the last 2 defeated_mixdown.ogg defeat2mixdown.ogg defeat2mixdown.ogg defeated_mixdown.ogg
    2 points
  3. Yeah, some kind of large round pelte would be best for Iphicrates. At some point I will write a manual, either in PDF form and/or on Github.
    2 points
  4. I am sure we all agree that a tournament with less then 50% of games played makes little sense. Also it is unfair for teams that make time, just to see that enemy team did not appear, without even leaving a note in advance. Therefore i open this thread to discussing possibilities for improvement, especially concerning the following topics. If you find yourself unable to formulate constructive criticism that makes at least some amount of sense this is not the thread to do it. Team making: Next time first collect all players and then make balanced teams More fun to play balanced matches -> higher motivation We can make bigger teams so it is more likely at least 2 players have time Disadvantages Complicates process as ppl might not agree with teammates Lower motivation by beeing forced in team with social nub teammates More flexible schedules higher motivation for both teams to find date to play Disadvantages more self organization necessary which did for the most not happen in first tournament Banning Teams that didnt play for some games at all Banning Toxic Players Using Challonge Having Resposible Team Captains (mandatory from beginning)
    1 point
  5. Hello again @user1, reporting against yari444. I had entered his city from two sides and killed a major portion of his army. He suddenly closed the game without resigning. My username is avikpal EDIT: The replay seems to be incomplete due to the internet dropping mid game. Not sure if anything can be done in this situation commands.txt
    1 point
  6. The mercenary camp select sound seems related to the fortress and prythaneon building completed sound. Excellent work though!
    1 point
  7. select_workshop.ogg Select workshop.
    1 point
  8. Mercenary1.ogg Mercenary Camp.
    1 point
  9. This is some good content. Thank you. I'll take it under advisement. About illustrations, it's difficult to get an artist to illustrate 40 hero portraits gratis. I really really suggest WFG commission an artist (then I myself would commission the same artist to complete portraits for the remaining DE heroes). About links and whatnot to more info, the current iteration of the civ selection code just doesn't allow for that. Those big hero buttons are just PNGs.
    1 point
  10. Despite the excellent 3D modeling work of the project contributors, in such cases it may be desirable to use illustrations instead of the 3D models plain images, what do you think? Furthermore, I bring back here the idea that the game (0 a.d. and its mods) could indicate, at the end of all these "describing texts", a link to the Wikipedia articles on the topic / biography. The game, therefore, would be a way/bridge for reading and eventual research. Finally, these head meshes, ahhhh, these head meshes ... Pericles doesn't deserve this!
    1 point
  11. A few thoughts regarding your concepts: Ionian revolt is an annoyingly situational. I would rather recommend something based around his colonial efforts in Thrace, making Civic Centres cheaper. For Iphicrates, I would propose giving ranged infantry (particularly peltasts) better melee armour instead of movement speed; it's hard to exactly say what his reforms specifically did, but improving their performance in melee fights is a generally accepted theory. I'd propose that Themistocles' Naval Architect technology be renamed 'Wooden Walls' in reference to the oracle. Other than that, it would be nice if Themistocles had some bonus to wall-building. He was instrumental in delaying the Spartans so that Athens could rebuild its walls and even was a leading mind behind the famous Long Walls.
    1 point
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