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==/// ECONOMY SYSTEM MODEL UPDATE \\\== Here is the Model of the Economy System so far, i will update this small section of the first message time to time ////////////////== END UPDATE SECTION == \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Hi everyone!! This is my second Topic in this forum and also the extension of a discussion started here that naturally evolved in a Mod Project. So here we are. First of all i have to tell that i am not native english, i am Italian, so please be patient with me for my grammar. All started from the idea to create a economy structure of the game more complex, i feel all the cities i build with so much effort during the game are just like ghost city, with not real live in it if not for the traders go up and down.... i wanted to have something overall more strategic, not focus on the military where the game is already quite strong, but on the civilian side. To give life to this cities i think is necessary develop their economy dimension, so for example add buildings like Shops , Academies, Products, Markets (Extending that one already in the game) etc.. and Entities like Dealers, Traders, Professors, Artists, Nobles, Citizens, Slaves etc. Starting from this very draft Idea i start developing is something more structured as follow below: (All the Code of the Mod is freely available in this dedicated GitHub for who is interested to partecipate on the development don t hesitate to contact me.) Goal Create a Economy System for 0Ad to give more Realism and add Strategy to the Game. 3 Main Concepts of the Economy System : 1 Economy Entities Dividing the Military Unit from the Civilian , we focus just in the latter for our Economy. Civilian Entity can Upgrade from Slave to Noble paying fee to special structure ( like Academy) or collecting a certain amount of experience ( calculated in money earned ). There are two kind of entity in our model: Passive: Earn Money from the resource gathering job Active: Earn Money producing and selling products We can say that Passive Entity are just Consumer, and Active are both Consumer and Producer. All the Economy Entities consume product and resources, can stock products , have own money saved in them personal wallet and most important they can spend or earn. In more details: Slave work for free and consume just some food the only owner is the State which account for the food and benefits of the resources gathered Citizen the can earn and spend; they consume food and also other commodities like textile or wine, they can buy food from the State or from Food vendors, and the other commodities from the shops or in the market, the own the money earned but also the State own them: all resources gathered go to State which pay them producing money from free Shops, Market, Circus are instead Structures which spend money to buy resources from State and resell them to Citizens offering different products from clothes exotic food entreatment etc..also they need to pay a tax for each transaction to State Nobles instead they can own Slave and earn a percent for all the Lifecycles of them economy once they upgrade in the different economy entity described above. They Spend money for very expensive commodities and they influence the civ evolution like giving some very good benefits to win the game( not sure yet which one ) In more details: State: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Technology, Weapon, Diplomacy, Super Unit, Corruption etc.. Earn : Money/ VAT Tax, Monthly Tax, Resources, Villas, Castles Consume: None Produce: Money, Slaves, Market Building Dedicated Building: Civ Center Slave: Ownership: State, Nobles Spend : NO Money Earn : NO Money Consume: 1 Food[fish,fruit,grain,meat]/Day Dedicated Building: No Produce: Labor Citizen: Ownership: State, Own Spend : Money / Products and Resources Earn : Money/ Resource Gathered Consume: 2 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 2 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 1 Clothes/Week ( will be produced by some Shop or 1 Entertainment/Month Produce: Labor Dedicated Building: No Food Dealer: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products Earn : Money / Bread , Sausage Consume: 4 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 4 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 2 Clothes/Week 2 Entertainment/Month 1 Jewelry Produce: Sausages,Breads,Wines, Steak Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Street Vendor, 2 Level: Locand, Bakery, Butcher Clothes Dealer: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products Earn : Money / Clothes Consume: 4 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 4 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 2 Clothes/Week 2 Entertainment/Month 1 Jewelry Produce: Clothes Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Street Vendor, 2 Level: Clothes Shop Jewelry Dealer: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products Earn : Money / Jewelry Consume: 6 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 6 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 4 Clothes/Week 3 Entertainment/Month 2 Jewelry Produce: Jewelry Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Street Vendor, 2 Level: Jewelry Shop Trader: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products Earn : Money / Resources, Products Traded Consume: 6 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 6 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 4 Clothes/Week 3 Entertainment/Month 2 Jewelry Produce: Resources, Products Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Street Merchant, Artist: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products Earn : Money / Entreatment Consume: 6 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 6 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 4 Clothes/Week 3 Entertainment/Month 2 Jewelry Produce: Entreatment Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Street Vendor, 2 Level: Entreatment Building(Arena) Noble: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products, Slaves Earn : Money / Tax from his former Slaves Consume: 20 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 20 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 10 Clothes/Week 10 Entertainment/Month 10 Jewelry Produce: Technology Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Villa, 2 Level: Castle 2) Money Of course all is about money, so the first thing i did is to create the Money Resource. The Player represent the State in my Economy System, perceive a Tax for every transaction done in its kingdom, ( ex. 20%) plus it can collect money selling resources to the producers and adding other fee after a certain amount of time. More glorious is his economy more money he can make. 3) Products So far i created 8 products that can be sold: - Food: bread, wine, steak, sausage - Clothes - Entertainment - Jewelry - Slave Each Product has a price that change based on the Supply and Demand, they are being calculated by a PriceManager Component, which will calculate the demand and offer every tot amount of time, to give realism of the Economy Model. What i Achieved so far ... As you can see on the image i took the template of Female Support i add to the template EntityFinance, EntityConsumer and EntityProducer. With EntityFinance Component they can earn money every resources gathered, they automatically pay the tax to the State, they can store all money in a Balance which has a maximum capacity , depending if are just citizen or nobles. or dealer etc.. With EntityConsumer Component i track the need of the entity, every time she work one algorithm calculate different variables to define is actual need. these variables are : - Product Daily Consuming, - Product Daily Availability, - Product Already in Stock - Product Prices Compared with his Own Balance. The need is so calculated as a value between 0 and 2 , if the value of need of a product is major of 1 , the product is inserted inside a list of FirstChoiceProduct, which define the entity needed product in every given the moment Of course this component track all the product consumed and stocked by the entity With EntityProducer Component instead define the capabilities to produce products to resell later. all Products produced are in a catalogue that other entity can see , so far i developed just to let the entity purchase what she wants, still need to be developed to producing product etc.. To make the entity moving to buy product if needed i implemented a new order in unitAI Component, i called it "Shopping", which let the entity once she working checking if she has need, if there are producer with available product around and in case if go to them, buy the product, stock them and go back to work . Also For the Visual Part and GUI, i added the 8 product category for Entity Consumer in the left panel so to have a track of what the entity has in stock(you can see the tooltip) and the balance of money of the entity is showed on top of the head of the 3d woman and also in the central panel, where there is a more specific description with tot amount ant max capacity. Money resources are instead tracked in the top together with all other resources. Also i added one new animation once the entity approach the seller, is just a start but at least she do something like paying cash.( Is the third picture, i used another woman as a producer cause i don t have now 3d model of vendor to use) All the Code of the Mod is freely available in this dedicated GitHub for who is interested to partecipate on the development don t hesitate to contact me. Please give me Ideas and Feedback1 point
1 point
@Lion.Kanzen Would you like to have a go at the flyer ? All I know from design of this kind of stuff is what you told me and posted on the forums. Thank you for that. You can find the psd here -> https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/art_source/trunk/promotional %26 public relations/print/Poster_A3_297x420mm.psd It was made by @Pureon1 point
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Thanks for the feedback guys ! I will try to find a better screenshot, I'm sure there are a few others I can use.1 point
I kinda miss the "History is Yours for the Taking" part... even if you argue that it'd be cheesy nowadays. The new Britons' image looks depressing compared to the old Celtic one, which is more lively looking. I find the Ptolemies Image as the most captivating part. I can almost feel the realism... as if it's a snapshot from a movie or something.1 point
It's hard to do (I'd rather be able to play pre-rendered cutscenes), and it's a standalone software on Windows1 point
I do agree 100% with @Sundiata's post: Regarding the elephants. They should have a mahout on the back. I think this is doable. Right now, the Mauryan worker elephant just does everything by itself, that looks strange. @Sundiata mentioned that elephants currently act as "with a sense of agency". To put this in a different perspective, I assume if an elephant would walk around on its own, the elephant would probably do what an elephant does for most of the day: eat grass. The elephant certainly would not help building or do other work for humans. There should simply be a human on the back (mahout) of every elephant, unless it is a wild elephant belonging to Gaia (the map) eating grass.. --- In regards to fields. As an intermediate step. How about fields only cost gold and the moment they are build they already are done building and have a health of 100%. This way, no unit would have to build a farm. Instead fields start as empty patch of plugged land. Then crops slowly grow in four steps: earth is ploughed, young green plants are appearing, they turn green/yellow and finally the wheat is fully developed. You can only harvest if the animation is completed. Workers just do what they do right now. If no worker is working for x amount of time on the field they go back to being brown ploughed earth. --- As for the future of farming. In Unknown Horizons you build a farm. The farm has a certain radius in which you can place fields. The fields cost only money (that could be gold in 0 A.D.) and are build instantly. Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader do something similar, with the difference that you build a farm, which has fields already attached to it. A farmer then goes and starts working on the field. Maybe we could do something similar. One idea would be to have a farm building which already comes with fields attached (every worker has one field). The current field has a capacity for 5 workers. In the future a standard farm would have space for 5 fields. Instead of placing the worker into the field we add the worker into the farm. The farm is then responsible for managing the worker and field animation (state of the field). As long as the worker, works the worker starts ploughing the field, seeding, waiting (grops need time to grow), harvesting, bringing the harvest to the civic center and then repeat it. As I said every worker just works on it's own field. If only one worker works the productivity would be 20%, the more workers work the more the farm productivity goes up. 2 workers 40%, 3 workers 60% etc. In case, the worker is killed or abandons the field, the field will stay the same and after x amount of time just go back to being a brown patch of land. Fields could be smaller in the future so that a farm does not take too much space. Currently fields are huge. We could also have farms with less fields and more fields depending on the civilization. Another advantage would be that if the fields belong to a farm. Enemy units just have to capture the farm building. Currently, units always attack the fields, which is annoying. In the future it would be enough to destroy or capture the farm. Furthermore, implementing a feature where farms can only be build on fertile land would be nice. It is pretty unrealistic to place farms anywhere in a desert and expect wheat to grow just fine.1 point
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Romans described by Chinese records records in 3rd century AD. https://youtu.be/4XdPodNwSGU1 point
Might be interesting for @Monder87's "0AD Economy Similation Mod" Or even for @azayrahmad "City Building Mod"1 point
1 point
True, true, but currently they are used for building anyway, so I was offering an easy solution. Since it was gonna help building unless someone changes the way it works, it might as well do that. I guess @Imarok could remove the ability for worker elephants to build farms, but that's out of the scope of the patch. The goal of the patch is just to allow playing a different animation when a unit is building a structure, or a farm. That's it, that's the scope. Making units go back and forth on the field sound nice however it's kinda complicated to do, as the person adding that feature would have to make it generic for every building , and every unit which has to take other units in account, shape of field, etc No it means however that terrain textures would be used to define the fertility of the land. So while farmland terrain textures might serve purpose, any texture could. Like let's say grass_a or cliff_b I think it's worth noting that while convoluted, the current one was way easier to implement And other than the lack of motivation to work on the paradigm, there were also very heated discussions about it, and it was not a trivial issue.1 point
I understand, I just don't agree with the logic. I'm sure elephants were sometimes used for ploughing, but even then, they always had a handler, not withstanding the fact that they would have overwhelmingly used oxen. I really just don't like the idea of animals acting with a human sense of agency. [EDIT] I misread a little. So the elephant carries seed while a unit does the seeding? Still seems just as illogical. Why wouldn't the people carry the seeds themselves? Why do they need a massive elephant on such a small patch of farmland, to carry something that they could easily carry themselves? I imagine that elephants are expensive. What is a lowly peasant doing with it? Etc.. I like the first of the farmland paradigms, and actually suggested very similar mechanics as this in the past. I'm strongly in favor. It's natural, organic, immersive, realistic and adds depth to farm placement in a way that's not only strategically interesting, but important. It's sad that it's from 8 years ago and a much more convoluted approach was chosen instead. I just hope that "farmland terrain textures" doesn't mean magically pre-ploughed fields, like the ones visible in some of the maps. I'm a huge fan of the color-graded "Efficiency Overlay" when choosing a fertile location for a new field. Then there would be no need for pre-ploughed fields. Just make sure that those areas which are indicated with a green color actually correspond to green/lush terrain textures, and yellow and red correspond to dry shrubbery and desert terrain textures or obstructions like rocks. I also think that this approach can compliment my suggestions from the previous post, which rather focusses on the specific sequence of the animations (ploughing→ seeding→ crops grow while farmers are weeding→ harvesting→ rinse and repeat). The cyclical aspect of farming doesn't conflict with any of these suggestions either, but compliments the natural sequence of animations. Apart from actually choosing a fertile spot for your farms, it also doesn't add any micro at all, since we're just talking about a cycle of animations. Just that a large amount of food comes in every 6 minutes or so (cyclical), as opposed to small continuous trickle of food as it is now. The former is more realistic and strategically interesting, while the latter is just a boring old convention from the 90's. I don't like the second paradigm that was linked. It's unrealistic, incredibly unintuitive, illogical, confusing etc... How are players expected to make sense of this? Really, this is bad game design in my opinion, like our current farming system, it lacks logic and intuition.1 point
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I believe that's because of a bug I'm still trying to fix where you can't build a wall from there, so first click sets the origin point, and the second tells the game the wall ends there1 point
1 point