Isis from Meroƫ reveals herself
I was browsing through the Meroitic period artefacts in the archives of the British Museum, and found myself just staring at a few individual relief blocks. I suddenly realized that they were part of the same relief. A little bit more research revealed that these blocks were indeed all from the rear wall of the chapel of pyramid N17 in Meroƫ. This pyramid belonged to King Amanitenmemide, 1st century AD (or BC). Turns out that the chapel was removed from Sudan in 1905, with one wall being shipped to Berlin, and the other wall being shipped to London. The one that was sent to Berlin was reconstructed and is currently on display in the Neues Museum. The one that was sent to London (only 6 blocks survived) is not reconstructed. In fact it is not even on display... The archives of the British Museum house 1703 Meroitic and Napatan period artefacts, the vast majority of them not photographed (or at least their photographs haven't been published, or publicly catalogued), nor are they on display.
I dowloaded the images of the blocks in the London archives, cut them out, and put them back together again. A beautiful, voluptuous African winged goddess appears: Isis!
A winged goddess, Isis, wearing the vulture crown and a sun disk with cow horns, backing the Kushite Lion Throne of the seated king, Amanitenmemide. The goddess is depicted with exposed bosom, a symbol of fertility.
For comparison, here is the reconstructed relief from the other wall of the chapel, currently in Berlin:
King Amanitenmemide himself!