Since our announcement was shared in a few places among them the Wildfire Games Forums a few questions were asked. It is time to answer some of them.
Project name
No, the final project name will be Fork AD 9001.
Project goals
We still adhere to the old ideals of doing things properly. That means we first have to fix some code rot so there is a nice foundation to build on. Do note that this does not mean that there are no improvements upon already sound bases. While we intend to improve all aspects of the game, our current focus is on mod support and single player improvements.
Different culture
How we differ is in that we actually discuss things when discussion is needed, and ask for each others feedback. As opposed to a culture that makes one think of the quote "What we've got here is failure to communicate". Though we apparently caused quite a surge in WFG team communications with our announcement, you're welcome.
Private source
Yes, the repo is currently not public. Select individuals might be given access if it seems worth it however.
Contributing to 0 A.D.
We think some people might want to read the initial announcement again if it wasn't clear enough. Everyone is free to do with our released code what the license allows them to do. But that is where us contributing to 0 A.D. ends. Last we checked trying to interact with them did not lead to any useful result, and talking to walls is not the best use of our time. We do wish them luck with getting Alpha 23 released in a state that is worth calling a release. Something else that might be worth reading are the words of the most active contributor that is left "Secondly the capable motivated and available developers went down"source.
And since we want to let people make up their own mind we do include some statistics, that might be skewed by a few factors. Among them are people committing patches by others, people doing reviews of others' code instead of committing things, and more. And not even all of us kept contributing through that full date range, but without further ado:
git shortlog -sn --since='2017-01-01' --until='2017-12-31'
618 elexis
248 autobuild
228 mimo
147 fatherbushido
80 Imarok
59 leper
49 bb
48 Stan
46 Itms
30 wraitii
14 LordGood
14 Pureon
14 s0600204
13 enrique
9 vladislavbelov
6 FeXoR
3 gallaecio
3 scythetwirler
2 omri
Despite our reservations against what is left of the team, we do appreciate them allowing part of this discussion to happen on their forums.
As always we are open to questions and if you want to have your questions answered immediately, then you know where to find us.
Kind regards,
fatherbushido, leper and mimo.