@wackyserious, some more Celts, including some with those typical patterns
Brennus sacks Delphi
The surrender of Vercingetorix to Caesar at the battle of Alesia. A little romantic, but worth the share I think
Vercingetorix performs the old horse switcheroo, in a final whimsical gesture
Experimenting with the Celtic Cavalry
Also tried to photo-manipulate and reconstruct Brennus' texture (it now uses the m_tunic_long.dae instead of the hero mesh)
Also experimented with the high waist Celtic pants.
The Italian Sworsman and Italian Allied Cavalry could use such helmets. The two random "Samnite" units as well.
The horse motifs and white accents remind me of the Carthaginian Sacred Band, so this may be what the artist was going for.
You probably had diplomacy colors on. Observers see every team with the same color, so if it was a game of blue + red vs yellow + green, the first two might both be blue and the second two might both be green.