Hi all !
Today, I'm making some kind of request for comments. I have finalized two methods of a placer and would like to have [random] map makers opinion and suggestions. Have they the use of such tools ? As they are or working another way ? I'm open to suggestions and requests for features now and later.
The picture below shows the principle:
The center of the spot (deep green) is created with a good ol' clump placer. From this region, we deduce approximatively concentric regions with the placer. The first step is using a method initializing the placer with the central region. As all methods of this placer, it computes the border of the region (one tile wide), and can be used only in this purpose: get the border of any connexe region.
Next another method expands the region, adding the chosen number of tiles. Those tiles can be added to the initial region or returned as a separate one (only the ring). This step can be repeated. Here, we call the function twice, and finally paint the border of the last created region.
As one can see, the expansion is not isotropic nor regular, because there are other ways to create geometric shapes. The expansion is ruled by three factors: the distance to the center of the region, the tile height and slope, the weight of each one being a parameter of the placer. Some noise can be added too, which essentially change the border.
Maybe other factors could be desirable too or instead. Suggestions are welcomed.
I used this very spot to create the pictures below. Applying a fractal painter to the inner region, and raising the two rings to a fixed height:
This one is created with exactly the same code, but, a different map seed gives another result:
I hope the discussion will bring new interesting ideas.