0abc updated
Removed experience loot from all structures which can not shoot arrows.
Army camp, civic centres, colonies, crannogs, fortresses, outposts, and towers have a default experience value equal to 10% of maximum health.
Reduced the number of arrows civic centres can fire (both default and maximum), but also added “town watch” and “city watch” technologies which each add one default arrow.
Briton, Gaulish, and Iberian civic centres are 20% faster to construct, cheaper, and weaker than those of other factions.
Wonders are now all completely statistically identical to each other:
Celtic (Briton and Gaulish) wonder no longer has -20% build time, capture points, and health
Greek (Athenian, Macedonian, Spartan) wonder no longer has +10% build time, capture points, and health
Persian wonder is no longer affected by “Persian Architecture” technology
Seleucid wonder no longer has 4400 (instead of default 5000) health (D936)
All wonders heal garrisoned units at 5 HP per second (instead of some at 1 HP and others at 8 HP)
Each wonder has the same five auras:
heal units within 50 m radius at 2 HP per second (instead of some not at all and others at 3 HP within 30 m)
increase maximum population limit by +10.0 (flat)
increase territory influence radius by +20% (equivalent to a theatre)
increase maximum population limit by +10% (requires “Glorious Expansion”)
increase territory influence radius by another +20% (requires “Glorious Expansion”)
Celtic druids (healers) have +20% walk speed, +4 crush, hack, and pierce armour levels, but also +50 metal and wood costs, and +100% training time; and they have two auras:
enemy soldiers within 10 m radius have -10% attack strength
own infantry within 20 m radius have +15% walk speed
Many other minor changes