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  1. I've created a plank walkway eyecandy prop/decal. I believe that those things are common in large Viking age towns.
    5 points
  2. Walls in 0ad are used in non-historical ways. There weren't that many geographical chokepoints that you could block off with walls. Historical walls were mostly walled cities because real-life land is much more open. In addition, new players like to build walled cities, because it's fun and looks cool, until they learn it's not cost efficient. Most examples of abuses of walls, are of heavily fortified walled chokepoints. I think that 0ad needs limitations that encourage walls to be used specifically for walled cities, and not for blocking off chokepoints. Here are some simple limitations to achieve that: Most importantly, say that walls can't be placed unless there is 30m of clear space between them and any invalid terrain. This means that you can't wall off chokepoints, you have to instead put walls all the way around whatever you want to protect. "Invalid terrain" means only terrain; you can put walls right up against other buildings, that's OK. Walls must be at least 50m from CCs/forts to prevent the cheap trick of making walls closely hugging your CCs and forts to prevent capture. In exchange, the cost and build time of walls can be greatly decreased, because now you have to wall all the way around your city to get protection. Perhaps other limitations that prevent walls from being too densely packed would be needed, or perhaps not.
    4 points
  3. 1- In 0 a.d the units can pass through the trees, so the walls actually lose a little of their value, at least at the beginning of the game. 2- Wood Walls should be more a bit cheaper. As trees do not serve as walls, then you always need a large amount of walls to have a significant defense. This would easily cost you 500 wood, which is inpensavem at the beginning of the game. Towers cost 5 and walls 4, i think 3-2 more apropriate, I would certainly start using. 3- Stone walls are actually much stronger, in two situations, damage and defense. I would greatly decrease your hit points and a bit of your damage.
    4 points
  4. A nice thing to have would be to prevent trees to act as obstruction by simply destroying trees whenever they are on the walls fundation path. This would prevent open backdoors in the walls layer. The only side effect is that fundations are visible entities and it could be exploitable. If fundations would change from "preview" to real simulated entity, this method would work just fine. Actually outposts are can be used as traps in order to know where the opponent is moving to by simply put many fundations throught hte whole map. The cost is refunded anyway.
    2 points
  5. I'm also experimenting with the wood texture on the Norse structural texture, I tweaked the kart_merchant_ship texture
    2 points
  6. If that works then it's great sometimes armatures and especially writing skeleton files can be tricky. ATM I'm writing a script to convert date bone schema to 0ad skeleton format
    2 points
  7. This is the final model, but i think i should do that too, make the size of the roofs uv's the same. Note: i managed to add animated oars from the snekkja to the drakkar @stanislas69
    2 points
  8. i think this is good enough, not so tall, not so short, and imposing inside a fortress, like a real Ivar the boneless great hall
    2 points
  9. I'm not sure if it's more organized to divide the gameplay discussions based on structures, but I'll go in here anyway. So, it's a given fact that walls are nearly useless in the early game, but unnecessarily drag the late game. This "feature" will be further magnified with Carthage's really buffed walls and @wow's strong core city concept. We'll be having this thread for more future wall discussions but here are my suggestions: Incrementally increase Wall and Turret build time based on a player's total wall length and/or turret numbers. Walls and Turrets almost immediately turn Neutral, forcing players to garrison them. (Yes, they will also be prone to capture by opponents, and that's the point). #2 will probably mess up gate-building if not garrisoned. Edit: #2 is also unrealistic especially that we still don't have a feature to set which side of the wall is facing out... and I failed to take account the Iberian starting walls, which will be made useless with my suggestion. But I'm still laying it on the table: walls immediately turn neutral.
    1 point
  10. Yes, i would like to support the projects with ideas or models. and actually i have an idea i used on my millenium version: as the nords where carpenters and they work hard on every single ship they had made, i did a template to make the infantry swordsman construct the drakkars on the shores like a dock, but i don't know if the IA will know how to work with that.
    1 point
  11. @Alexandermb Wouldn't you like to join the Modding Community team? We aren't to active and most of the work is quite independently of the others, but still we all contribute and talk/share when we got the time. In this way if you want to keep contributing to this mod, you can get to know the roadmap and the needs that the mod has, and of course you can collaborate us to make it better.
    1 point
  12. Fixed the uv's of hay roof and also added an important detail on the cc i forgot
    1 point
  13. Just looked at the code, the Actor Editor indeed hard-codes the public mod, though you might be able to manually open a file from another mod. They should show up (if the mod config is saved (enable the mod, press the save button in the mod selection screen) in Atlas though. (Also the Actor Editor is broken on *nix #1553, so removing that hard-coding (and making it use the vfs like mentioned in a commit from 2008 (r6395) would be nice if someone is inclined to work on that.) As for the icon issue (and I guess a few other questions) having your mod in a public repository or something can be quite helpful (as debugging remote and blind is quite hard most of the time). (Also keep asking questions, this helps a lot with figuring out where documentation could be improved (also feel free to do that if you find something lacking) and it tends to expose bugs or limiations.)
    1 point
  14. IMO with alpha 21 walls became well balanced (at least the best balance Ive seen in a number of alphas). They can be built quickly and provide a good defense as long as one can defend vs siege engines. While it is true that they don't keep an attacker out if the area isn't completely walled, they are still useful to stabilize areas in the frontline, for example building a wall around a newly built civic center or mines in that area (so that enemies will be deterred from wall turret arrows and towers don't hit the mining units). Dragging on the lategame is their job, but an enemy that is an actually better position can tear down those walls very quickly with siege engines (1 ram is still faster than 50 swordchampions).
    1 point
  15. team 1 :murians Ivaylo_uzunov Gavnomes LoedHoi3 team 2:murians Euforia moe__ random301 this is a murian civil war in this map moe__ use expensive tactic for naval defense is very funny hahahha 2017-04-22_murian civil war.zip 2vs2 mediterranean map team 1:Gunnar-benhur1 britans teams 2:Yellowtaifillet-soloooyo ibers war for wood in zone 3 of map and tower power vs slingers full upgrades jajajj 2017-04-17 iberos vs britanos.zip
    1 point
  16. Changes (Tweaked the following) Wood(wall) textures Prop textures (Barrels, baskets, etc) Texture file
    1 point
  17. If we are going to change the Norse CC mesh to this, I suggest that we use the old CC to a something similar to a Greek Royal Stoa.
    1 point
  18. About the senkkja oars, first i deleted the snekkja model but only the ship, i left the oars with bones included, after that i moved the mesh of drakkar into the longboat armature, then i select first the mesh i will export inside the mesh with oars so it keeps the animation file, (in this case the drakkar) and the just adjust the size and place of the oars.
    1 point
  19. only need to fix the Uv's and done. but i'm thinking on lowering a bit the upper roof
    1 point
  20. Yes, it's funny because if you take static screenshot of his game you don't know what the hell you're looking at either. lol What makes one mech and obvious econ unit and another an obvious military unit? The economic "pod" mechs could be kamikaze units or something for all I would know from a dense, static screenshot.
    1 point
  21. Model done, textures from CC + Snekkja
    1 point
  22. While researching IDA* I came across this small project ... https://qiao.github.io/PathFinding.js/visual/
    1 point
  23. In the pictures below I ctrl-clicked to attack the cc. The top row shows what usually happens, with units in the back walking around to their place on the ends. But in the bottom row I ctrl-clicked a second time while they were walking around, and the units stopped in place and started attacked the cc. So the units in the top row are definitely in range, but for some reason they walk around to their position on the square before they start to attack. I think currently units are within range if the center of the object is within range? And maybe that's going to be changed in D13 to if any part of the object is in range? That's my understanding. In the first case, the units should line up in a circle around the cc, and in the second case they should line up in a circle/square hybrid, in straight lines parallel to each side, but then 1/4 circles around each of the corners. Playing around in the editor: Archers actually line up in a circle like they should! Slingers and skirmishers line up in a square like in the picture. Hmm, playing around more: Attacking a barracks instead of a civic center, slingers will line up in a circle too! But skirmishers still stand in a square. Skirmishers will stand in a circle to attack a house though. So maybe it has something to do with how the building's "radius" (whatever that means) compares to the unit's range? I'll make a ticket for this. For the other things on my list, I searched for old tickets that mentioned them, and only made a new ticket if I didn't find anything.
    1 point
  24. Some updates (Some minor tweaks on the shoulder area) The .psd is almost complete, I'll start a new thread in the modding section once I've finished everything.
    1 point
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