To cool everything down, I think that there's a lot of misunderstanding in this conversation.
At first, Wraitii never said to train units individually to form a battalion, just that the engine should support three kinds of behaviours.
He specifies that fact later.
Lion phrase it's very hard to understand.
IMHO, cause Lion is in favour of individual units managing, he hasn't wrote a concept that actually the others agree, so the ticket isn't really useful cause the concept is vague and lacks a really good description for someone to implement, being prone to another never-ending discussion about how implement battalions. That's maybe the cause that made Wow write "that his enthusiasm is gone".
As Wraitti said, the engine can handle individual units, so no worry about that. Engine supporting "dynamic" battalions, for adding or dividing units should be nice. But the problem is that some wants that game should be based on less or more solid battalions and not mess it up in micromanagement.