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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-11-02 in all areas

  1. Hey, I just watched your Timosthenes feature video and it's pretty impressive. One thing that bothered me (and bothers me about games with boats in general) is that they move more or less like cars. I was thinking of maybe getting involved and coding a patch for more realistic movement, but I wanted to check if it's something you'd actually want first. I had in mind: Acceleration and deceleration based on mass and sail area Heeling Pitching might be nice too Different points of sail with different speeds, based on some invisible global wind vector. So square sailers will be faster downwind, lateens will be faster on a reach, both will be slower upwind etc. Let me know if any of that sounds interesting.
    3 points
  2. Already briefly discussed here: I would suggest to update his video drivers and eventually, if he has an integrated gfx card, increase video memory. Other suggestions can be found on google, as this may be an error not only specific to 0 A.D..: https://www.google.it/#q=gl+error+1285
    3 points
  3. @The Drunken Sailor welcome to the forums! We have a few ship-movement-related items in the planned features list: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameplayFeatureStatus , this is a good place to start, since these things were suggested/discussed before and are considered desirable.
    2 points
  4. As GunChleoc said, this is definitely something we would love to have in the game. From the programming side of things, this would need a lot of work, but if you are up to the task please propose patches! Did you already take a look at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers? Don't hesitate to ask around if you need some tips. And welcome to the community!
    2 points
  5. Sounds like a great idea - there could at least be some bobbing up and down, especially for small boats. As to the rest, we'll have to consider how it might affect gameplay, e.g. targeting of ranged weapons, and how variable speed would affect gameplay.
    2 points
  6. In Syntagma or Testudo, the special animations for idle stop working when formation stop moving. Anyone else verify?
    1 point
  7. Fairly more comprehensive profiling. The three attached graphs are a very smoothed, less smoothed, and proportional plot of the same game. As you can see, we have the occasional spike in LongPath, probably when we move many units not in formation. ShortPath also occasionally spikes when units move around, and particularly when they combat (which can be detected because Timer, which is the JS component mostly used by unitAI, spikes too). But as a general rule, the longest call is the update of Timer.Js, which afaik is mostly the gathering, repairing, and combat timer. (NB: profiling are exclusive, Timer is part of Components in the above graphs).
    1 point
  8. Some more detailed profiling, based on a 2V2 provided by Elexis (which is basically using rev ~ Alpha 21). This is an MP game so turn rates are 500ms. All analysis done using a custom profiling script that outputs per-frame data and R. First we can look at the whole thing, smoothed. "Components" is Update Components, the rest are various pathfinder related things. I don't profile long-range at all here. Then unsmoothed: as we can see there are several very high spikes. Indeed R tells over over a third of turns are over 50ms, over 80% are above 20ms (which is 50 FPS if we ran a turn every frame - obviously we don't). The SP turns are about 200ms, also 50 ms per turns means already quite a slowdown. We can do some fancier things, such as find the average breakdown for buckets ( <20ms, 20-50ms…): As you can see, the short-range pathfinder is hardly the number 1 cause of lag. The number 1 cause of lag is in fact updating components. I'll profile some different things with this replay and upload a new post for more info.
    1 point
  9. Thanks, I'll start reading through that documentation over the next few weeks. Let me know what decisions you come to about which features would actually work.
    1 point
  10. No more tickets... the team is quite silent... Is it going up? Is it going up... Will Ulysses be emerging finally? I'm honestly excited!!!
    1 point
  11. Thank you for your feedback. I've created a ticket with your suggestion here.
    1 point
  12. But now you can't play with the barbarian factions anymore
    1 point
  13. Reforms are the kind of pair tech that I would like to see in 0 a.d, not a thing like choose between 5% attack or 5% speed. Military colonies are better with HP and Attack? With the new models it seems so, don't you agree?
    1 point
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