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A pleasant day to all! I'm Shieldwolf, and I am currently active in Empire Earth and Age of Kings Heaven (okay, not that active in AoK these recent months) I have a passion for RTS in general, and historical scenario design in particular. Community members in EEH have stomached my craziness for years now http://ee.heavengames.com/downloads/showprofile.php?author=shieldwolf23 And the guys over in AoK were threathened / forced (and then regretted?) giving me the 2012 Designer of the Year award. Kidding aside, I'm proud of my RTS background and I hope I can be of use here, in 0 AD. A very good friend of mine introduced me to 0 AD, and ever since, I have always anticipated the updates and major alpha releases. I am also a proud supporter of the Indiegogo campaign (under my real name). Alas! I am, until today, just a mere lurker in the Forums. I hope I can make up for that mistake by offering myself up as a sacrifice to the 0 AD gods. I hope you guys will allow me to do so. Looking forward to productive hours with you all! Shieldwolf4 points
Thx! Rivers (and lakes on different levels): If you mean this I didn't use it because it's slow and I can't set different water levels so it would not look very nice. I finished the Alpine biome and noticed some problems: - Textures (placement): Using a single texture leads to regularly repeated terrain. Using multiple textures leads to the loss of their beauty if randomly placed. (Possible solution: Divide the map into irregular polygons (of target size) and place one texture per polygon. Some work and may be slow) - The distance fog is brownish by default! IMO it should be gray... I didn't find how to change it in RMS (e.g. here). - Textures (not fitting textures of one biome): In the Alpine biome there are different types of grass (most looking awesome) but many don't fit to each other. Some are bluish (In fact I never saw such grass though I was in the alps quite often) while others are (mainly) pure green. They don't fit to each other at all. [My impression of the alpes was much more gray (rock with a little moss, some lichen and few but deep green grass/plant spots like alpine_mountainside) and rich dark green grass (mainly in wind covered areas below cliffs and in high valleys/hollows like alpine_grass or even greener/darker/richer).] Any suggestions for texturing welcome! realisticTerrainDemo2014-3-23_alpine.zip Some screenshots: Other things to do: - Try to fasten base terrain generation by using splice() - Add avoid class (or similar) support for terrain placement and paint the paths - Reduce water murkiness, lighten water color (EDIT: Done. See last picture)2 points
I heard the winds whispering there was a legend around. Though I didn't believe at first until I saw the footsteps of ... a wolf. Al mighty! There he is, can't believe it. Feel welcome among our councillors' midst, Shieldwolf! We have to do something about triggers to allow for campaign editing so that we don't disappoint you. Hopefully Sander & Co can get their trigger patch into 0 A.D. as soon as possible. In the meantime, what do you think of FeXoR's realistic map math efforts?The Massive Map Thread?The art folder in the official SVN for already existing maps and artworks (e.g. eye-candy, ..).The Scenario/map creation subforum.I hope you, our honoured wolf (have I been beaten, threatened and forced too? .. at least I don't regret it ) don't mind if I ask you for a github account? There we have combined our repositories for our modworks under one umbrella: The Council of Modders. I'm sorry, I'm talking too much again. If I continue like this you probably ...> Just wanted to give a quick start with some directions in which to travel for getting known to the realm of map creation ... Yours Radagast2 points
This is a counterpart thread to the special buildings thread. In 0 A.D. there are plenty of neat units out there, but it would be handy to feature some others that were more exotic such as the Spartan Pitanate or a cool hero such as Philip the V. When you suggest a unit, please give a brief introduction to who or what they were, how they were special, and how they could even be incorporated into the game.1 point
Building: Archaic term for Han period buildings are hard to come by, so this is a WIP: House: Was classified into 'lǘ lǐ' (闾里) during Han Dynasty, which is 6-25 housing unit. The term for the building itself can be called 'Ming Zhai' (民宅). Market : 'Shi' (市). Corral: ‘Shou Quan’ (獸圈) is correct. Palace: 'Gong Dian' (宮殿). City Wall:'Yong' (墉) is correct but rarely used. "Cheng Qiang" (城牆) is a more common (modern) term. ”Cheng Yuan"(城垣)sounds more archaic. Watch Tower: 'Wang Lou' (望樓) Defense Tower:'Jian Lou' (箭樓 meaning arrow tower)1 point
1 point
I suppose it's really a 32-bit Mac, too? http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3696 I think this was an issue with how Alpha 15 was packaged, I will try to fix it for Alpha 16. In the meantime, you *should* be able to work around the problem by disabling sound, which is unfortunate but better than nothing The game needs to be run with the "-nosound" option, you can do something like this from the terminal: open 0ad.app --args -nosoundor if you know some other way to pass command line options to bundles.1 point
Nope, you created a post about bugs in a topic for suggestions. So I split it.1 point
Thx! Yes, the generation time is not really a problem for me. Just thought the speed increase would be quite noticeable. The speed depends much on the seed so I don't think it really became slower. Tree density: Lowered it. Textures: Well, I'll try by hand which pairs look well on a wide area and which single textures does. Then I will see what biomes work well and set them up by hand. Paths: Actually draw some texture on the paths. (Was a bit out of motivation when I wrote the last post but it's back now ^^)1 point
Wow some of these maps look gorgeous! Too many Cypress trees can look a bit weird like in this example: ./pyrogenesis -autostart-random=6200 -autostart-size=384 -autostart-players=4 -autostart=realisticTerrainDemoAnd there are some cases where there are so many trees that: The spatial subdivision problem occurs. But that's an engine problem and not a problem of the random map. It lags very bad.Maybe you should still try to limit the density of forests with some sorts of trees a bit. An example causing a lot of lag: ./pyrogenesis -autostart-random=600 -autostart-size=384 -autostart-players=4 -autostart=realisticTerrainDemoGenerally the maps are generated relatively quickly (less than 10 sec for this size), so I don't know if tuning even makes sense. Why do you want faster map generation? EDIT: The winter maps with snow look the best IMO. Other biomes sometimes have a bit boring ground textures. This map is my favourite so far (with some AI players, enjoy the battle!): ./pyrogenesis -autostart-random=7555 -autostart-size=256 -autostart-players=4 -autostart=realisticTerrainDemo -autostart-ai=1:aegis -autostart-ai=2:aegis -autostart-ai=3:aegis -autostart-ai=4:aegis -autostart-civ=1:gaul -autostart-civ=2:brit1 point
I rewrote all functions so they now directly manipulate the heightmap (and use (deep)copies of it if they need a reference). So now every manipulation should take place on float32arrays. However, map generation now needs ~2 secs more though I also use deepcopy less often. Code structure got straighter in the process though. I also use the center of the diamond square generated heightmaps now so presets work much better now. realisticTerrainDemo2014-3-21.zip EDIT: Did some texture changes depending on the biome. Now I hope thinks look much less weird: realisticTerrainDemo2014-3-21b.zip I now did all I could think of so far (not very pleased with the textures but much better). It's not good enough I'll abandon the random biome stuff and paint everything myself. Oh, and forgot beautification of the secondary resource spots... (OK some things still to do...) Anyway, input on style and especially playtest would be helpfull. Some more screenshots:1 point
If you'd like a mod manager implemented, some design mockups and functionality guidelines would be a good start.1 point
Thanks much both of you, I'll try using typed arrays. So... Much faster and smoother now. Still to slow for my taste (about 3 secs for the player order and the path's heightmap smoothing on a normal map with 8 players). And the paths partially devastate the nice terrain but, well... (Guess I'll try doing some terrain analysis to skip unneeded paths) Example (Overview/Valley/Dam, seed 6200, medium, 5 players): Map: realisticTerrainDemo2014-3-20b.zip1 point
For heightmap data I suggest you have a look at typed arrays. They should be the best data structure for compact single-typed array data. That should allow the JS engine to pack the data very closely and should make copying of the whole array efficient. It should just be a single copy of a memory block. If you use a normal object and the JIT compiler has to figure out that it can pack the data as a compact array, that might not work. If it has to fall back to a generic object structure that's much less efficient. That's the theory at least... EDIT: We have some code using typed arrays, but they probably aren't fully supported by SpiderMonkey v1.8.5. If everything goes well I'll commit the upgrade to v24 in a few days though.1 point
Thanks for your help though, it made me clear that it was not (directly) my fault that parts of clOpen was in the water. Also there isn't a texture painted so I get the feeling that something is wrong in the clWater part. Maybe the heights? Right, in addition to lowering the ground, there is another problem. You make the set heightmap "after" you paint the water areas. This means that there will be o water area in your map. To fix this, you should comment out all of your "setReliefmap(myReliefmap);", and write just "one" before you paint the water textures (Like this): //place water texturesetReliefmap(myReliefmap);var placer = new HeightPlacer(heightRange.min, ByHeight[2].height);var painter = new LayeredPainter([tWaterBorder, tWater], [2]);createArea(placer, painter);paintTileClassBasedOnHeight(heightRange.min, ByHeight[2].height, 3, clWater);1 point
Ok everybody, I'm not dead, I just disappeared due to real life. I'm back, at least for a bit. Here's the 'Race to the top' map in skirmish mode. As I get time, I already have ideas for the next map Enjoy rttp (3v3).zip1 point
1 point
For those who don't know and despair, Catalan is more close to latin than Castillan (and thus, more readable by a French-reading and Italian-reading people). It is still spoken in all the western Iberian Mediterranean arc and the isles (from Alacant to extreme southern France and Baleares): more than 10 million people speak Catalan. It is cousin to another Romane language that was the vernacular in France's southern third and a dozen vales in the Italian Alps. Causes are the strong and early Roman influence in the area, a much lesser penetration and integration of Germanic upper classes from the north (and not before 13th century), some political unity from 9th to 13th century, and a temporary rule by the Catalan kingdom. More than 15 million people live there, but by now, it's more like a cultural identity than a real living language; whereas circa 12 million people were still speaking it before WW1, less than 3 millions currently are. http://fr.academic.ru/dic.nsf/frwiki/1254062 http://fr.academic.ru/pictures/frwiki/83/Sumien.jpg http://fr.academic.ru/pictures/frwiki/83/Sumien_supradialectal.jpg1 point
You could also provide a torrent download of the repo. You download it once over torrent, and after that you can pull the small changes...1 point
Here is a good read from the University of Helsinki website: Assyrian Chariotry and Cavalry.pdf1 point
Lol, not angry at all, just clarifiying the goal that we were pursuing. I arrived to the same conclusion. During my tests I concluded that the orientation of the bones (called "roll" in blender) is messed up during the export/import process. The weird thing is that manual tweak of the roll sometimes didn't make any changes when exported, and sometimes minimal changes were visible.1 point
1 point
Possible civ emblems: Winged Bull and Star of Shamash https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Human_headed_winged_bull_facing.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cd/Shamash-sun-symbol.svg Map of the Assyrian empire: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c1/Map_of_Assyria.png Here I have a preliminary rough outline of the Assyrian civ profile.1 point
Ok, after some playtesting, here's the files. I still haven't completely cleaned up the lag- a good reason to make smaller maps. Let me know what y'all think race_to_the_top.zip1 point