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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-01-10 in all areas

  1. I've just committed some WIP changes to aegis, which should work with Yves' changes but haven't been extensively debugged, so please report errors that could come up and weird behavior. It should fix an error in the economy (the AI didn't actually care about full resources) so that should improve the econ a fair bit. The defense manager is being rewritten from scratch too so that could change, right now I think it's a little worse than it was before, but it's all WIP. I've removed older AIs too.
    3 points
  2. The war dogs were used by Egyptians and later by Rome in the Germanic regions, serving as patrol units. The only Celts I'm aware of that used and trained dogs were the Britons. Iceni. War dogs were not "shock troops" they were classified as skirmishes to disgruntle and dishearten enemy soldiers. Shock units are more heavy cavalry which thumps enemy lines hard causing mayhem and dismay. This also applies to heavy infantry. And if you look at my Roman post in the mods section, I have mentioned this
    2 points
  3. Unwrapped, rigged, 696 triangles Whoever paints it, you decide if you want to keep the teeth polys. wolf.zip
    1 point
  4. Hi, I'm making this thread on behalf of Leper to see if Enrique needs on help on remaking the units compatible with the psa files,
    1 point
  5. Would be amazing for scenarios, would they give the owner a trickle of metal?
    1 point
  6. I'm sorry, but I'd need too much time to figure that out myself first. That's a very exotic setup!
    1 point
  7. Why do you experiment with ARP spoofing? The only legitimate reason I see for this is educational (figuring out how it works). In this case you'd want to figure it out yourself or ask more specific questions.
    1 point
  8. I can just mess with Carthage until we have a texture pack ready ;P haha
    1 point
  9. Open the web interface of the router by typing its IP address into the address bar of your webbrowser (I think it should be Login (The default user should be admin and the default password 1234, but I hope you have changed that ) Click on Advanced Setup, NAT, Virtual Servers Select "custom Server" and enter 20595 for External Port start, External port end, Internal port start and internal port end and select UDP as protocol As Server IP Address you need to enter your computer's IP address. That should be something like 192.168.1.x. On Windows open a CMD window and type ipconfig to get your IP address. Save
    1 point
  10. I'm more than happy to! Just let me know what you need and if you can gimme some references, tho I'll be fine either way. I'll do them properly on photoshop as well. Also can't wait to see how the models turn out!
    1 point
  11. Nice! For great justice I edited your post and show the image without opening the link.
    1 point
  12. Salute. Here is a walk cycle animation preview:
    1 point
  13. At what point will be the game be a Beta? is there a specific list of criteria for the game to be "finished"? I was a big Age of, player like most of you guys and really love ZeroAD so keep up the great work!!! thank you
    1 point
  14. It could be that your gift was used by the opponent to construct a defense tower instead of a civilian unit. Maybe that decision was still in the queue waiting for resources to actually be built. Once that happened it triggered this error which probably relates to any limit for the total number of defense towers a player can build. Did you mod that at some point? Were there any errors upon starting the game (when importing entity templates)?
    1 point
  15. If you actually do it, I might die from excitement!
    1 point
  16. Oh God no, those dougongs and gabled roofs mess with my head xP It could be a lot of fun though
    1 point
  17. Nah man! my Deviantart is pretty empty with only some manga character concepts
    1 point
  18. Wow thanks! Didn't expect such positive feedback! Here's 2 concepts for the barracks: Probably gonna do temple and blacksmith next...
    1 point
  19. The Ptolemaic buildings look a lot less hellenistic than the Seleucid examples here?
    1 point
  20. Also, try to host using the Lobby, as long as your router is reasonably modern it should still be possible. It might take a couple of tries though as the system isn't perfect/still needs to be improved upon
    1 point
  21. I think the structures look great! I get really tired of looking at the same Roman/Carthaginian/Greek textures.
    1 point
  22. You do have to watch out a bit with the licenses. We use http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ , that explicitly allows commercial usage, but also requires re-distribution under the same license. So you can use the music from that composer you found. But you'll need to distribute is a bit separated, or at least with decent license explanation. It also means that people making game videos for Youtube add revenue are in a bit of trouble. As they could do it with the CC-BY-SA licensed music, but the music from the composer you found can't be included. So it is possible to stay legal with both licenses, but it will be hard to do it right.
    1 point
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