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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-12-05 in all areas

  1. I would prefer we have a couple of hotkey presets, like how RTW had a couple of different setups, and WASD=Camera could be a part of a "FPS" preset, while WASD rebound to buildings could be part of a "RTS" preset. Personally, I hate using the screen edge to move the camera around. I like the WASD because I can keep my cursor in the middle of the screen where the action and focus is.
    3 points
  2. They have trying to tell that there is no way in the current code so it has to be coded first period and is not part of the official plan so someone other than the official team members does it. This is the essence of open source if it don't do what you want change the code yourself or convince someone to do it for you Enjoy the Choice
    2 points
  3. You could make a cheat, but that would also allow units to one-hit buildings too. See the wiki pages on technology modifications (You'll need the Attack related ones) and on technology templates (autoresearch is something you want) on how to create such a tech. 'affects' should probably be "Unit".
    2 points
  4. No they will most likely do it because they want to anyway Remember it all comes down to motivation I know I was never motivated by external pressures Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  5. Not, when you have a year you know this topic have much information and all post about manny suggestion. Don't take personal is a suggestion from an another user,you can do it here but, don't expect all want discuss about the same here, somebody can post about commands, someone el se can post about Ai gameplay, etc. probably this topic it's more general,or generic discussion.
    1 point
  6. I agree that it's very likely a court wouldn't judge Wildfiregames (or whoever gets charged) guilty. However. It's still a valid reason to open a trial in the first place - and that's bad enough IMO. So I'd be more cautious.
    1 point
  7. Hey guys, Admittedly, this is the first time I've logged into this forum in months, and I wasn't even aware that the project had its own subforum until a few minutes ago. It's very cool to see how much interest there still is in the development of this faction, and we've always been appreciative of WFG's ability to restrain themselves from getting frustrated and just creating their own Chinese faction. As of today, I'm accepting applications from anyone who is willing to participate in development. Send me an email using the mail link in my signature with a brief description of what you're able to contribute and what your availability will be like in the next couple of months. Artists, sound designers, programmers, writers and historians are all welcome, or perhaps you have an idea for a position I didn't even know we needed. Whatever the case may be, we need to build a group of people who are dedicated to turning this project into a reality, and we need you to make it happen.
    1 point
  8. You was missed for days what happen friend. XD I want to help you, because I'm audio editor and very experienced RTS player, how you know the guys are interested in a horn sound than in a bell sound.
    1 point
  9. You mean this Haltern ? I agree there are more than just wooden houses, but I was talking about the German !
    1 point
  10. Non-German swastika's are exempt from being banned to begin with, so they can be used regardless of any ban. Although yes, I do believe that by attempting to be authentic and historically accurate, the non-German swastikas are also doubly exempt because of this as well.
    1 point
  11. Well, since every unit will slice every other unit with one hit. I think nobody will ever make expensive units. And just spamming units takes away the "strategy" part of the game. I don't think I'd want to play a "real time" game without anything else
    1 point
  12. It was a breath of fresh air to have WASD, i get immediate control over camera movement while still being able to use my mouse. I like how it's set up
    1 point
  13. I think the original argument for such content was greater historical accuracy, but there are a lot of other mature topics we aren't going to feature even though they may be accurate. I don't feel the game would suffer if these things were omitted. I still feel that sort of stuff is best handled by a mod pack.
    1 point
  14. Should be fixed in r14292 Try rebuilding. Edit: flagging this as resolved. I had the same warnings but now they are gone as well.
    1 point
  15. Hello! Thank you for your application to the Wildfire Games Programming team, and sorry for the delayed reply. Typically contributing to 0AD starts with programming and submitting your patches to trac as you get familiar with the codebase. After a number of good contributions, we'll evaluate inviting you to the team and giving official SVN access. There's no important difference between team members and open-source contributors other than the former have SVN access. If you have any questions, I invite you to stop by our IRC channel.
    1 point
  16. newcivs: Maybe for you it's "better" (And I don't see any relation to "better" battles...) but as is nudity/gore and potentially offensive symbols "better" is subjective as well. More objective would be "more efficient code", "higher frame-rate" etc. an those would even drop by some of the discussed features so for me (subjective) those are "worse". Just keep in mind that most things discussed here are subjective and "is better" does make no sense in this case (but more like "I'd like more/less").
    1 point
  17. Currently, we're still working on the units of the ptolemaics (although most research has been done for it), and we've also started researching on the selucids. There are pinned topics in the Art Development forums where you can share references and stuff for those civs. The selucids are already available in Atlas for the SVN version, so it's already more or less decided which units they will have. Though since there's no art for that faction yet, it's easy to change. For testing new versions and patches, I highly suggest you install the SVN version. This makes sure, when you report a problem, it's a recent one. Most problems get solved in a week or two. Our development team uses quite a range of different hardware to work on by itself (going from intel GPUs to high end GPUs, different OS...). If you want to test patches, you can take a look here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/report/15 . That's a list of all patches ready for review. It's best to read the description of the patch, including all comments, and if the patch is applicable for you, you can apply it and report back if there are problems with it, or if everything works fine. Some patches are also still in the review queue because of other problems (code quality, not the wanted behaviour ...). Those will need to be handled by the team anyway.
    1 point
  18. campaigns should probably be reserved for after the entire game (or almost the entire game) has been completed
    1 point
  19. Yes I have the SVN version. At the time I wrote this I wasn`t aware of the queuing feature. It`s a good feature, as stockpiling resources is usually a bad thing. Thanks for the info about hkeys.
    1 point
  20. It doesn't matter. If you only care about reaching that number you'll most likely not make very good posts, and then they will get deleted, and you will not reach the number anyway I think it's 1,000 or so though, so it's not something you should reach within a month or so, but perhaps rather within a year or so if you're reasonably active If you have a title you really want to have you can always just ask us beforehand and we might change it
    1 point
  21. Welcome Tim have a look at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/report find an open ticket that interests you and have at it if you run into problems just post a question here on the forums or on the IRC channel.By the way java script is not that hard to learn Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  22. Agree with Argi Though there is one VERY annyiong thing ... UNITS ON WALLS!! I kind of dream of a game doing this well, and i hoped 0ad would be the first. But later on, as far as i know, you chancelled it WHY ?? Also, check the clan MP thing, there are some suggestions conserning Multiplayer lobby, ladders and so on Nice thread btw Jason
    1 point
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