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    • I'm kind of hoping that me and @Vanthacan sneak in the new encyclopedia UI and at least some of the new encyclopedia.
    • The "problem" now is to have a good result, I think the texture I made is clearly not the best one because I have these :   
    • Ok I found the problem, I feel soooo dumb   The fact is that I was testing these particules on a map where is only one player, so the game consider that is a win and ask me if I want to go back to lobby or stay in the game. So it attributes the gaia color (grey), and not the player color, because i'm not a player. I tested the particules without the OnUpdate function in a normal map and it's working. 
    • Can you figure out at which point the particle color resets exactly ?
    • Sorry i'm a bit late Here is the template of the building : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="template_structure_civic_command_base"> <Attack> <Ranged> <AttackName>Bow</AttackName> <Damage> <Pierce>40</Pierce> <Crush>40</Crush> </Damage> <MaxRange>100</MaxRange> <PrepareTime>0</PrepareTime> <RepeatTime>100</RepeatTime> <Projectile> <Speed>100</Speed> <Spread>1.5</Spread> <Gravity>0</Gravity> <FriendlyFire>false</FriendlyFire> <LaunchPoint y="3"/> <ActorName>props/units/weapons/laser_ammo.xml</ActorName> </Projectile> <PreferredClasses datatype="tokens">Human</PreferredClasses> <RestrictedClasses datatype="tokens">Spaceship Structure</RestrictedClasses> <RangeOverlay> <LineTexture>outline_border.png</LineTexture> <LineTextureMask>outline_border_mask.png</LineTextureMask> <LineThickness>0.175</LineThickness> </RangeOverlay> </Ranged> </Attack> <Footprint> <Square width="140.0" depth="120.0"/> <Height>8.0</Height> </Footprint> <Health> <DeathType>vanish</DeathType> <Max>2500</Max> <RegenRate>0</RegenRate> <IdleRegenRate>0</IdleRegenRate> <Unhealable>false</Unhealable> </Health> <Identity> <Civ>robot</Civ> <Icon>structures/robot/powerstation.png</Icon> <GenericName>Power Station</GenericName> <SpecificName>Power Station</SpecificName> <Tooltip>Main Building of the Robot civilisation. Make you able to train Buildobots, Spybots and to research many useful technologies to improve them.</Tooltip> <History>This building is very important for the Robots because he shelters the Quantum Computer which manages the AI of all the civilisation. Robots will be very agressive if they see someone or something attacking it.</History> </Identity> <Obstruction> <Static width="140.0" depth="120.0"/> </Obstruction> <ParticlePlayerColor/> <Researcher> <Technologies datatype="tokens"> phase_village_robot phase_town_robot phase_city_robot </Technologies> </Researcher> <Resistance> <Entity> <Damage> <Pierce>20</Pierce> <Hack>12</Hack> </Damage> </Entity> </Resistance> <Sound> <SoundGroups> <select>interface/select/building/command_base_select.xml</select> </SoundGroups> </Sound> <VisualActor> <Actor>structures/robot/command_base.xml</Actor> <FoundationActor>structures/fndn_20x20.xml</FoundationActor> </VisualActor> </Entity> Here is the actor of the building :    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <actor version="1"> <castshadow/> <group> <variant frequency="100" name="Base"> <mesh>structures/robot/command_base.dae</mesh> <props> <prop actor="particles/big_red_lightning.xml" attachpoint="lightning"/> </props> <textures> <texture file="structures/robot/command_base.png" name="baseTex"/> <texture file="null_white.dds" name="specTex"/> </textures> </variant> </group> <material>player_trans_spec.xml</material> </actor>  
    • There is still some activity in following thread: Maybe keep an eye on following as well:  
    • I’m not at home I will do it at near 4pm
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