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    • That's because you built in debug and not in release mode. You can't assume gcc sadly. There is also clang. Also maybe the intrisic you use isn't available on ARM.
    • Buenos días o tardes; -Para el símbolo de facción de Axum , había pensado en el León de Godebra ,con corona estilo etíope , con Axum escrito en Ge'ez ,dentro de una silueta en forma de estela de los reyes , todo como si fuera metal o tallado en piedra... ; ¿Qué pensáis?   Disculpen las molestias*
    • In plenty of games, unit abilities with delays are prized as skill. Increasing maneuverability of bolts make them more susceptible to be spammable as a main force alike siege towers. The pack/unpack time differentiate catas and bolts by giving opportunities to opponents for responses (units are vulnerable to cavs because of this pack/unpack time). Having to carefully plan position of catas/bolts is fun. I play blots ~80% of games they are available for my civ and I enjoy it because it's not failsafe. To counter bolts, I often see my opponent running out of their range (at the cost of retreating and losing few soldiers) with a -50% pack/unpack time (remember to move bolts you'll get this delay twice) this evasive technique would be seriously nerfed/useless. Kindly reconsider. Crossbow champs are already an option for players that don't want to bother with pack time, no need make the bolts too similar to them. Spartans and Athens seems to have some big changes too Would be indeed interesting to have them tested.
    • All these changes make sense to me. But these aren't the most "exciting" changes. Should we try to get in some of the bigger changes to a27? Something like the Roman overhaul?
    • Parthian infantry are insignificant, i suggest the team gave them a few basic infantry and mercenaries would be enough for a horse archer faction. Iranian spearman Iranian Axeman Iranian Archer
    • @wowgetoffyourcellphone does the naval rework require a lot of other a27 changes? if not, I could replicate it in community mod so we can get it balanced for a27.
    • yeah fair points all around. if some tech boosts construction speed, better to let it be standalone. any other recommendations for this next version? I have the following: non-random arrows reverted, -25% building arrow damage (fire rate) to equalize melee unit TTK. This means ranged units survive a little better compared to a26 vanilla arrows, but otherwise its the same. Pack time for bolts, catas 10s -> 5s. Immortals cost is now equal for ranged and melee, switch time now reduced a little more to 4s. Stone wall garrison space is doubled, allowing for 16 to fit on large stone walls and 8 on medium walls. Loom cost decreased from 200 food, 40s to 150 food 20s. the last two there are committed to svn already, so may as well test.
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