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  1. Ah I see what you mean. But the engine does not weigh 2GB, so it can be updated just by downloading the new version. The public mod, on the other hand, is identical on all platforms, and could be updated incrementally in theory. Splitting the public mod into smaller pieces (the art aside, typically) would help, because we could release small balance patches not touching the art, hence just modifying a small zip file, and launchers like Steam would be able to make users only download the changed file.
    3 points
  2. Obviously Themistocles is a naval focussed hero. I don't have any particular issue with this, but it means that he is never used for land maps for any good reason. I think that it would be nice to give him a buff for wall construction either in speed or cheapness. He was instrumental in Athens completing the long wall and their city walls after Persia had sacked the city. What are your thoughts?
    2 points
  3. I have played 0 AD for quite some time now. I want to raise a small suggestion: Links between walls of teammates Why? More or less every time I and my cousin fend of the first attacks of our opponents, we will start building some "basic" walls. We use these walls to channel further attacks and gain an advantage over the enemy. But there will always be this one gap open, just in the middle of our walls. The only way to close this gap is either: station units (& healers) build the walls along our border to close it up So I suggest adding the ability to link said walls. However, this should only be possible between teammates set on the same team in the lobby. It would allow teammates to close this very gap with just a wall. Maybe this wall part can cost 2x to 5x the stone for a normal wall + it should be only available in the "City phase". (bonus: it would look fantastic) Please let me know what you think, and maybe a developer could elaborate on whether it's a feature that can be added to the game in the future? Kr, GenDufour
    2 points
  4. Hello there. I'm a noob to this game, and i'm not really sure about the importance, or better, how to time researching technologies. I'm playing alpha 23, and I'd like to know if I have to try and get blacksmith technologies as fast as I can or if it's better to use my resources to keep producing units and buildings. I'm sure that they are really important as they gives you a real boost to your troops, and I'm not talking about gathering technologies, as I always research them asap, but I keep strugling with blacksmith and fortress technologies, because they are really expensive. Thanks for the help guys!
    2 points
  5. Hello! It all depends on the historical period you want to focus on. In particular, since you seem to focus on Turks, there is no civilization in the time period of 0 A.D. that can be directly linked to modern Turkish culture. You may want to take a look at the Millenium A.D. mod which could include the Seljuk Empire, the Sultanate of Rum, or even the emerging Ottoman Empire, in its part II. Similarly, for Chinese powers, the Han dynasty is present in Terra Magna, but other dynasties could be added in other mods with other time frames (Tang/Song in 1000 A.D., etc).
    2 points
  6. Welcome to the forum, 1) Ask nicely, don't bark commands at people in the forum 2) If you're the same bubblebut from the lobby, stop with the incessant profanities. It's in poor taste and It's against terms of service and terms of use, and can be followed by action.
    2 points
  7. Zegema beach vacations were cancelled. Stay tuned ;-)
    2 points
  8. @wraitii Can you help fix this patch? Please.
    2 points
  9. Offtopic, but I have an idea: what if we add semi-supported languages as a mod?
    1 point
  10. Best way to learn is by watching replays of the best players.
    1 point
  11. It doesn't say anything when you try to join a game that doesn't allow specs.
    1 point
  12. for all other to test now as mod file to install. many new features also for hosts in gamesetup. hf fgod_experimental.pyromod (fix auto enable broken options [auto sending res to allies, ...]) (so now default off)
    1 point
  13. A few ideas that could be interesting to add in game setup: 1 - option of choosing players locations/leaving it random (could help to balance games with players of different levels, for example when you have a team with 2 strong and 2 weak players against 4 medium. It could also make some civs more interesting to play but most of all, we could make sure Pudim is on border duty); 2 - option to choose mines average density on the map (it could make some civ more interesting to play in team game) 3 - option to allow for Wonder or not (in some game we might want it not to be forbidden to limit lag) 4 - color customized differently for each players (I am player 2 I can set player3 to green, and player3 can set player 2 as green if he want Good or not ?
    1 point
  14. Why instead of that Naval Architect reduced we can do what you light have given for Themistocles. I use Iphicrates for land never Themistocles. Might be good for a land boost for him.
    1 point
  15. It's good you report him at the forum @dutchpatriot.Post the replay from the site @Angen has given they will do something about it ping @Hannibal_Barca
    1 point
  16. They are in the github version. Ran into a compression snag when bundling the mod and then gave up until the next Alpha.
    1 point
  17. I'd love to say we should work more on darknets to make corporate censorship impossible. But I see the internet drifting more into the state that china has, where you're only allowed to visit sites sanctioned by the government and get a negative score in the social credit system if you do something that is legal but not desired. People like PhyZic always try to convince me that the people can change the world, but evidently there is no feedback channel, no means of influencing the government. Article 13 is just another perfect example of this. Hundred thousands of people showing up on demonstrations, experts showing that this can't even be implemented and will have detrimental effect on the internet. Any responses, changes in the proposals? Nil. All they did was to change the title of the thing once if I recall correctly? If people rejected it, just repackage it and repeat proposing the same thing as long until it passes. The famous Voss face speaks louder than any words what mechanisms are at play at the heads of governments (both figuratively and literally).
    1 point
  18. @AltrineTo save the officials some typing:
    1 point
  19. 1. yes it is still being worked on here https://github.com/0ADMods/A-Mythology-mod-f-or-0-A.D. 2. https://discord.gg/nfJ53b
    1 point
  20. Two questions: 1. Is this mod still being worked on? It looks super interesting! 2. Can you update the invite in the first post with one that doesn't expire? I'd love to join your discord to keep up with the mod
    1 point
  21. I see in the game that I need to report I "rule-breakers". User yann2mars left 2 games within 1 hour today? How can I report this? I noticed that when players starting to lose than suddenly their connection is lost. Wasted multiple hours playing for nothing. My rating is keeps falling and I don't seem to be able to gain some point!
    1 point
  22. There are four different hyena species: striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) brown hyena (Hyaena brunnea) spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) aardwolf (Proteles cristata) I don't know which one you've been working on, and all four would be nice to have, but the first one is the one we probably want most, given its distribution range:
    1 point
  23. I do not think it's interesting to always leave me on the edge .. the random algorithm does not like me.
    1 point
  24. We welcome the constructive approach chosen by the creators of Fork AD. We didn't, indeed, agree on the design of the development environment, on the communication methods, and on how to ultimately make the process enjoyable for all team members. We are happy that they can still contribute to 0 A.D. as a project, even if it is as a separate group. We are grateful for their many past contributions and we hope that the new situation brings balance to both teams. Nevertheless, Wildfire Games wishes to clarify that we have been making progress on the game continuously and continue doing so. Much of the recent work was either administrative, or targeted at the future Alpha 24, thus could not be directly seen in the number of commits made. Members of the community have expressed a desire to be more involved and informed, so we are taking measures to open up some internal discussions. This will allow our hard work to be more visible. On behalf of the team,
    1 point
  25. you should make storage near trees for more neins
    1 point
  26. Okay guys, I have idea. Let's put 0 A,D, onto The Steam.
    1 point
  27. I am in favour on exponential armour. It means that techs are evenly weighted across units, so that already strong units don't get even stronger (relatively) with upgrades. It can be displayed as a percentage to players and the effect of technologies should be easy to describe, so players can understand what is going on.
    1 point
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