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    • @zzshahzz from the screenshots I think you have the mods folder at the wrong place? It should be in ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/ So, basically you should have ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/mods/ModernGUI/ [the mod content directly here] On @wowgetoffyourcellphone's screenshot, I believe he was showing you that you are NOT supposed to have ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/mods/ModernGUI/ModernGUI/ [mod content]
    • @zzshahzzPretty sure you just need to rename proGUI-modernGUIA27 to ModernGUI.   Needs to be same name as in mod.json
    • @wowgetoffyourcellphone I tried to create that folder structure and dropped the proGUI files into a progui folder there. I also tried to put it into the application support folder as the forums suggested. Neither worked. It doesn't show up in the mod selection when I am in the game.  Any suggestions?    
    • I agree, some nice rendering enhancements would be very appreciated, to bring the game's aesthetics up to a 2025 level. I'll give the team some credit though and say we've done a lot with what we have and the game can actually look pretty good when we use it to its potential. But as you indicate, there are some things that could be enhanced to give the game that extra visual "je ne sais quoi." Ultra shadows would be a nice touch, as well as true bloom (the current bloom is rarely used because it's mostly a hack). I know @vladislavbelov has plans up his sleeve and personal desires on this front. There's also a lot the artists can do to help make things more efficient as well. Some textures could use culled as well as extra models and actors that we may not be using anymore.  @wraitii has some planned updates to water, which are exciting.  
    • I think a few technical graphical updates in the release might be a good idea too. I only have a 3050 graphics card and the game runs great on maximum settings, so there is a lot of room for increasing render quality. Things like an "ultra" shadows quality setting or other enhancements might be nice. Maybe an option for the game to automatically place things like grass actors to make textures more interesting. If it's possible, things like ray traced global illumination would be great too. I think we also need to make sure the game stays backwards compatibles though with older computers. It is really nice to be able to play any game with a friend who has a 15 year old laptop.  
    • Another little easter egg is the inclusion of a "Phocian Wall" on a portion of the map. It's of course famously a part of mainland Greece, not Ionia, but it was fun to include it.     (Which also puts my mind to another possible scenario)
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